Cities Research Seminar Series: Transforming Energy Efficiency Markets in Developing Countries: Implementation Challenges and Innovative Solutions
A seminar led by Dr. Ashok Sarkar of the World Bank’s Global Energy Practice presenting the evolution of energy efficiency market transformation through the application of innovative delivery models, institutional practices and financing mechanisms. Examples, ranging from utility DSM to ESCOs to Super ESCOs, which have been helping unlock the energy efficiency markets around the developing world, are presented as part of the talk. The seminar draws partly from the recently-published World Bank Live Wire on“Transforming Energy Efficiency Markets in Developing Countries” The Emerging Possibilities of Super ESCOs”.
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Speaker: Ashok Sarkar
Ashok Sarkar is a Senior Energy Specialist involved in strategic efforts for scaling up energy efficiency operations and finance in the World Bank’s Global Energy Practice, based in Washington DC. He had established the Energy Efficiency Community of Practice of the Bank and had led it for 7 years, until 2013. Prior to the World Bank, he had worked in Asian Development Bank in Manila; US Agency for International Development, and in RMA, a US-based international energy consulting firm.
During his professional career spanning 25+ years of progressively responsible, result-oriented, multi-country international energy development work, Ashok has led and participated in clean energy operations in over 35 countries covering wide-ranging, design, implementation, strategic, operational & leadership experience in sustainable energy, across the policy, investment and knowledge domains. At present (2018), he is engaged in leading the design and/or implementation of several clean energy operations in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar and India. After his undergraduate engineering degree from the University of Delhi, he started his career with BHEL-India, designing thermal power stations. He has a MS in Energy Planning and Policy from the Asian Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. He has been a regular visiting faculty at the annual energy summer program of the University of Oslo, and served as a member of UNFCCC’s CDM Methodologies Panel in 2005-2007 and as the chair of the UNEP’s U4E-enlighten International Experts Task Force of LED Lighting and Controls in 2015-2017.
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