WRI at the Open Government Partnership Global Summit
The Open Government Partnership's Global Summit brings together leaders from OGP’s 76 participating countries, local governments and beyond to exchange ideas on how they are making their governments more transparent, accountable and responsive to citizens. Practitioners and experts representing different fields, sectors and regions from around the world will discuss goals, challenges and best practices in implementing open government reforms.
Hashtags: #OGPGeorgia
World Resources Institute will host and participate in several events throughout the summit.
Open Government Initiatives for Climate Action and Sustainable Development
When: Monday, 16 July, 9:00-14:00 GET
Where: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia
Description: This half-day event will bring together OGP members from government, civil society and international organizations to identify strategies for making more effective, impactful climate commitments that better link to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and citizen-driven priorities (See an example draft commitment). Specific areas of focus will include new models of civic engagement to help countries meet their international climate commitments, better data sharing across national and subnational governments to accelerate progress on mitigation targets, and lessons learned from implementing climate commitments.
Capacity for this event is limited. Please complete this form if you would like to attend, and we will respond to confirm attendance.
Open and Digital Government
When: Wednesday, 18 July, 14:30-15:30
Where: Funicular: Underwheel 3
Description: Countries are increasingly working together to share best practices, seek new approaches and promote the benefits of digital government. This session will focus on overlaps between open and digital government as well as explore the concept of digital inclusion.
Communities, Inequality and Water: Who Receives Water, When and at What Price – Can Open Government Make a Difference?
Sustainable Development Goals and Access to Information
When: Thursday, 19 July, 14:00-15:00
Where: Funicular: Underwheel 1
Description: This workshop will focus on methodologies for assessing implementation of right to information (RTI) laws, in relation to SDG Indicator 16.10.2 (implementation of RTI laws). Speakers will help advance the understanding of how to assess this complex SDG indicator, something that has been a challenge until now. Insights from this workshop will be presented at the 2019 High-Level Political Forum.
Promoting the Binding Agreement of Escazu: Access to Information, Participation and Environmental Justice
When: Thursday, 19 July, 16:00-17:00
Where: Funicular: Underwheel 2
Description: Speakers will focus this session's discussion on access to information, participation and environmental justice in Latin America and the Caribbean, highlighting the recently adopted, legally binding Escazu Convention on Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration. Access to information, public participation and justice in environmental matters will be critical to achieving the SDGs and advancing OGP processes throughout the region.
Improving Climate and Environmental Governance through Open Government: Examples from Tracking of Forests, Climate Finance Reporting and Emissions Data Disclosure
When: Thursday, 19 July, 16:30-18:00
Where: Funicular: Glass Room
Description: This session will explore three areas for tangible action to improve environmental and climate governance through OGP commitments. Following a short presentation, participants will break out into groups to workshop commitment ideas on climate finance accountability, forest data openness and visualization, and emissions data disclosure to promote city-level climate action. Recommendations produced during an earlier side event co-hosted by WRI and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia will help frame the groups’ discussions.
Spotlight on Reformers and Tools: Leveraging Data, Design and Technology for Opening Government
When: Thursday, 19 July, 16:30-18:00
Where: Funicular: Restaurant
Description: This session will highlight innovative projects that reformers in government and civil society have taken to tackle some of the biggest open government challenges their countries face. Through creative storytelling formats, this session will provide inspiring entry points and spark conversations around new networks and ideas that can be applied in new settings.
WRI participants include:
- Mark Robinson (@markrWRI), Global Director, Governance, mrobinson@wri.org
- Jesse Worker (@TAIGlobal), Associate, Environmental Democracy Practice, jworker@wri.org
- Christopher Ede-Calton (@ede_calton), Outreach Lead, Climate Action & Data, WRI United States, CEde-Calton@wri.org
- Cassandra Etter-Wenzel (@cassie_etter), Outreach Coordinator, Climate Action & Data, WRI United States, Cassandra.Etter-Wenz@wri.org
- Gabrielle Nussbaum, Project Coordinator, Global Forest Watch, gabrielle.nussbaum@wri.org
- Carole Excell, Acting Director, Environmental Democracy Practice, cexcell@wri.org
- Daniely Votto (@danivotto), Director, Urban Governance, WRI Brazil Sustainable Cities, dvotto@wri.org
- Delfina Grinspan, Research Assistant, Environmental Democracy Practice, delfina.grinspan@wri.org