On July 26, 2018, WRI’s Energy and Climate Programs hosted a workshop examining potential changes to U.S. market design and policy frameworks to support expansion of zero- and low-carbon generating capacity. Karl Hausker (WRI) and Sue Tierney (Analysis Group) facilitated the discussion among a carefully selected group of experts in the field with various institutional perspectives. This workshop began with a review of recent power system modeling by E3, and then turned to presentations of two conceptual frameworks for co-optimized long-term markets developed by Steve Corneli and Eric Gimon. These presentations were selected as jumping off points for conversation. WRI recognized that there are many other additional efforts to address this problem underway, including work by those attending the workshop, as well as the need to build off this existing work.

Workshop Objectives:

  • Engage a variety of experts and stakeholders in out-of-the-box thinking on new market designs that can support and efficiently integrate rapid growth of zero- and low-carbon electricity in the coming decades.
  • Explore emerging technical and analytical approaches to such integration.
  • Discuss best approaches in advancing concepts for new market designs.

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Models and Markets for Achieving Electricity Decarbonization (Arne Olson)

A Split Market Proposal for High Renewables Markets (Eric Gimon)

The Configuration Market: Why, What and How (Steve Corneli)

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For an in-depth summary of the workshop and for more information about WRI’s Electricity Markets work, contact Heidi Ratz.