NASA/WRI Workshop on Societal Applications of Satellite Data for Ocean Health and Fisheries
This one-day workshop will focus on engaging governmental and non-governmental organizations, industry and other end users on how NASA ocean satellite data can be used for ocean health and fisheries applications to support resource managers and decision makers.
The workshop will have an engaging, interactive forum to highlight data products and tools as well as ocean community data users and potential users. The groups that will be targeted for this workshop include middle agency providers of data that routinely interface with the end user communities and representatives from a broad range of backgrounds that can provide unique perspectives on ocean data needs. The workshop will consist of an introductory session with short talks to provide overview and background of relevant satellite data products and tools. Focus areas will include ocean health in the context of climate change, fisheries and ecosystem health, fisheries, health, and human security, and a session on capacity building and NASA support services. Panelists in each of these panels will be selected to give lightening (~10 min) talks and then a moderator will facilitate a discussion with the panel and participants. There will be lots of time for questions and discussion built into the agenda, as well as a lunch and reception to allow for networking. This event will bring data users to WRI, which will raise our profile and help to make connections with ocean experts and data scientists.
Panels include speakers from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), ESA - European Space Agency/World Bank, Oceana, Conservation International, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), University of Virginia, ROFFS Roffer's Ocean Fishing Forecasting Service, Inc., Global Fishing Watch and more.