The Sustainable Energy for All Forum is the landmark gathering that celebrates the global sustainable energy movement.

Over 1,000 high-level representatives from government, business, civil society and international organizations gathered in New York City from April 3-5, 2017 for the 3rd Sustainable Energy for All Forum – its theme “Going Further, Faster – Together.”

WRI executives Manish Bapna and Jennifer Layke spoke on opening panels and WRI will host two working sessions, on crowdsourcing electricity supply data and financing building efficiency.


April 3, 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. EDT
Marshalling the Evidence

Jennifer Layke, global director of WRI’s Energy Program, will join energy leaders to discuss the latest data on productivity for high-impact countries to meet the objective of doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency by 2030. Jennifer will discuss progress in the buildings sector to improve efficiency and how to increase investments.

April 3, 4:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. EDT 
Financing Urban Building Efficiency
SEforALL Building Efficiency Accelerator

In 2016, 23 cities worked with the Building Efficiency Accelerator (BEA) to formulate building efficiency policy commitments, demonstration projects and tracking approaches. These cities now need financing and private sector engagement to bring their commitments to fruition.

This session will see a number of city leaders pitch project proposals to financial institutional leaders with finance mechanisms that could be leveraged by cities or building owners seeking investments in building efficiency. The ensuing dialogue will aim to identify gaps and opportunities for the BEA and partners to assist cities with additional project preparation to help the city projects become investor ready.

April 4, 10:20 a.m. – 11:20 a.m. EDT
Knowledge into Action

Manish Bapna, Executive Vice President and Managing Director at WRI will speak with energy leaders who are embracing renewable energy solutions by using ambitious policies and incentives, or business models, to harness the potential of renewable energy as we look to a decarbonized future and to achieving the SEforALL objectives.


  • Hon. Issa Kort, President of the Energy Commission of the Latin-American Parliament, Chile

  • Christine Lins, Executive Secretary, REN 21

  • Ethan Zindler, Head of Americas, Bloomberg New Energy Finance

  • Manish Bapna, Executive Vice President and Managing Director, World Resources Institute

  • Pete Ogden, Vice President, Energy, Climate and Environment, UN Foundation (moderator)

April 4, 1:45 p.m.  - 2:45 p.m. EDT
More Than a Connection: Crowdsourcing Data to Assess and Improve the Quality of Electricity Supply

Grid supply in many developing countries is struggling to keep up with demand, resulting in unreliable and inadequate electricity service. Innovative solutions like decentralized renewable energy and energy efficiency can be integrated into traditional grid services to help solve the problem. Open, granular, and credible data on the quality of supply are key to catalyzing discussion about what actions can be taken, who will benefit from them, and how results of investments can be monitored.

The goal of this session is to share experiences with collecting data on the quality of supply and improving access to electricity along multiple dimensions.


  • Shantanu Dixit, Prayas Energy Group

  • Fabby Tumiwa, Institute for Essential Services Reform

  • Eco Matser, Energy Change Lab

  • Davida Wood, Senior Associate, Energy Access and Governance, World Resources Institute (chair)

  • Sunita Dubey, World Bank (discussant)

Read a blog post from Sarah Martin and Hening Marlistya Citraningrum, Beyond A Connection: Improving Energy Access in Indonesia with Open Data, which narrates the piloting of ESMI in Indonesia

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