COP 22 - Climate Finance Series
The Climate Finance Series at COP 22 will bring together a multitude of actors from different sectors and countries, providing an opportunity to showcase valuable experiences and lessons, strengthen dialogue, collaboration and coordination, and share the latest thinking and analysis related to climate change finance.
Themes discussed will include: the architecture of effective implementation of climate finance, the role of the local development banks, readiness for climate finance, transparency, scaling up climate finance, and engaging the private sector, among others.
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IDFC Climate Finance Forum: The Factory of Climate Solutions
When: Saturday November 5, 2016 | 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Where: Hyatt Regency, Casablanca
Description: Just prior to and in line with COP22 in Marrakech, the International Development Finance Club (IDFC), the largest network of international, regional and national development banks, has planned a new edition of its Climate Finance Forum, on November 5 in Casablanca, in an invitation to explore and contribute to the Factory of Climate Solutions. Following its first edition in March 2015 in Paris, the event will re-gather and expand the coalition of high level representatives of public and private financial institutions from both developing and developed countries as well as other stakeholders that are deploying new efforts and initiatives in the area of climate finance. It will be hosted by Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion Capital (CDG Capital) of Morocco, with the support of Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and with contributions from other partners, including WRI. The event will showcase valuable experiences and lessons, strengthen dialogue, collaboration and coordination, and share the latest thinking and analysis related to climate change finance and the implementation of the NDCs in developing countries. The outcomes of the Forum will also be relevant for and serve as inputs to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the 2030 Agenda. Note: For the first time, the IDFC Climate Finance Forum will be organized in synergy and back to back with the 2016 edition of the Climate Finance Day, organized at the same venue on November 4 by Casablanca Finance City Authority, Paris Europlace and other partners.
Contact: Giulia Christianson
Climate Finance Architecture
When: Wednesday November 9, 2016 | 7:30 – 9:30 pm
Where: Golden Tulip Farah Marrakech
Description: This invite-only roundtable will bring together finance negotiators and Board members from the different multilateral climate funds to share perspectives and discuss options for how the climate finance architecture could evolve to best support the Paris Agreement and ambitious climate action. Initial findings from WRI's research into comparative advantages and scenarios for how different funds could develop will be presented for discussion.
Contacts: Joe Thwaites and Niranjali Amerasinghe
Supporting African countries to Directly Access International Climate Funds
When: Thursday, November 10, 2016 | 12:00 – 1:30 pm
Where: Africa Pavilion, Room 1
Description: The Centre de Suivi Ecologique (CSE), the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the African Development Bank’s Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF) will host a panel discussion focused on the role of direct access to international finance in advancing climate resilient, low carbon development in Africa. The event will highlight the key challenges faced by African countries in accessing finance to enable a transition toward climate resilient, low carbon development and green growth. It will further showcase some of the important progress that is being made by African countries to achieve direct access to climate finance and highlight some particular examples of successes in achieving accreditation and developing strong and impactful projects. It will also emphasize the role of readiness support in helping countries to achieve direct access, including south-south learning and peer exchange.
Contact: Gaia Larsen
African Community of Practice Workshop
When: Friday, November 11, 2016 | 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Where: Golden Tulip Farah Marrakech
Description: An invite-only working session for African entities seeking access to finance from the Green Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund and other sources of climate finance. This session will focus on creating a strong community of practice among these entities.
Contact: Gaia Larsen
Climate Finance Effectiveness Dinner (with Climate Policy Initiative and Overseas Development Institute)
When: Saturday, November 12. 2016
Where: TBD
Description: This invite-only discussion will be framed around our growing body of work on climate finance effectiveness, including ODI’s work on climate funds and options for strengthening support for developing viable programs that can attract finance, CPI’s update to the Landscape of Climate Finance and ongoing work on the Climate Finance Innovation Lab, WRI’s research on the future of the climate finance institutional architecture and finance transparency rules under the Paris Agreement, and work that our three organizations have developed on financing the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions
Contacts: Joe Thwaites and Niranjali Amerasinghe
Country Perspectives On Accessing The Green Climate Fund
When: Monday, November 14, 2016 | 1:00 – 2:30 pm
Where: UNDP Pavilion
Description: The side event will provide country perspectives on accessing the Green Climate Fund. Focus will be placed by direct access entities on navigating both accreditation applications and funding proposals. National Designated Authorities will present their experiences on managing the Green Climate Fund process, from setting up and operationalizing their offices, to selecting direct access entities and priority funding proposals. Convened by UN Environment, the UN Development Programme, the World Resources Institute, GIZ, KfW and their implementing partners and partner countries.
Contact: Gaia Larsen