Global Landscapes Forum, COP 21
Launching the new climate and development agenda
The Global Landscapes Forum, held alongside the UN climate negotiations in Paris, France, is the world’s leading event for discussing land-use issues. In Paris, the Forum brought together 2,500 stakeholders from across sectors, including forestry, agriculture, water, energy, law and finance.
Or see the agenda here:
The World Resources Institute is a coordinating partner in this year’s Forum, along with CIFOR, UNEP, UNDP, World Bank, CIAT, and others. WRI and partner projects will be featured throughout the program.
WRI forest events at the Global Landscape Forum include:
New Restoration Commitments under Initiative 20x20
When: Saturday, December 5, 2015 | 17:15-18:00
Where: Room 251, Global Landscapes Forum, Palais de Congres
Description: Since Initiative 20x20 launched at COP20 in Lima, over 21 million hectares and $670 million have been formally committed. Initiative 20x20 has already surpassed their goal, but this event include even more new commitments, partners and financial developments.
- Announcing new political commitments for restoration in key Latin American and Caribbean countries
- Announcing new financing for restoration from impact and institutional investors
Contacts: Maria Franco Chuaire.
Launch of the African Forest and Landscape Restoration Initiative “AFR100: Africa bringing 100 million hectares of degraded and deforested landscapes into restoration by 2030"
When: Sunday, December 6, 2015 | 9:00-10:45
Where: Room TBA, Global Landscapes Forum, Palais des Congres
Speakers: Launch of the “African Resilient Landscapes Initiative” and the African Restoration Initiative (AFR100), a continental initiative with the goal of bringing 100 million hectares of degraded and deforested land in Africa into restoration by 2030. Presentation of a package of political ambition, financial and technical support. The event will combined with the World Bank and the launch of their African Resilient Landscapes Initiative.
- Mr. Mamadou Diakhite, Principal Program Officer, NEPAD Agency
- Dr. Ibrahim Hassane Mayaki, CEO of NEPAD Agency, former Prime Minister of Niger
- Ms. Estherine Fotabong, Director of Programme Implementation and Coordination, NEPAD Agency
- Ms. Wanjira Mathai, Co-Chair, Global Restoration Council; Chairperson, Green Belt Movement
- Dr. Andrew Steer, President and CEO, World Resources Institute
- H.E. Dr. Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany
- Mr. Mark Tercek, Chair, NatureVest Advisory Board; President and CEO, The Nature Conservancy
- Panel of ministers
Related posts
- RELEASE: African Countries Launch AFR100 to Restore 100 Million Hectares of Land
- African Countries Aim to Restore 100 Million Hectares of Degraded Land
- Wanjira Mathai: Fighting Climate Change with Trees in Africa
Putting pledges into practice in Latin America – an early assessment of Initiative 20×20 from science, policy and finance perspectives
When: Sunday, December 6, 2015 | 9:00-10:30
Where: Room TBA, Global Landscapes Forum, Palais des Congres
Description: Initiative 20x20’s launch at the 2014 GLF showcased the countries’ ambitions and restoration plans, as well as the interest of private impact investors in restoration efforts across Latin America. This year the emphasis is implementation and actions on the ground. The event will showcase around eight projects in the region from private impact investors working with 20x20. The projects will highlight the diversity of approaches through which land restoration can be achieved and the unique features and benefits they are expected to deliver.
- Minister Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Minister of Environment of Peru(Moderator)
- Deborah Bossio, Director of Soil Research, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
- Clément Chenost, Co-Founder, Moringa Fund
- Rafael Calderón , Director Pride Latino America, Rare
- Juan Carlos Gonzalez Aybar , Director of Latin America, Althelia Ecosphere
- Jose Iturrios, National Director, Peru Cocoa Alliance
- Paul McMahon, Co-founder and Managing Partner, SLM Partners LLP
- Kaspar Wansleben, Executive Director, Luxembourg Microfinance and Development Fund (LMDF)
- Troy Wiseman, CEO, EcoPlanet Bamboo
- Mike Parr, Vice President and Chief Conservation Officer, American Bird Conservancy
- Mamerto Valerio Bueno, Director Representante, Enda Dominicana
- Gloria Suárez, Director for Water Management, Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle, Colombia
Contacts: Walter Vergara, Sean DeWitt, Luciana Gallardo Lomeli
Related posts
- RELEASE: Latin American and Caribbean Countries and Regional Programs Launch Initiative 20x20 to Restore 20 Million Hectares of Land
- Initiative 20x20: A Landscape Restoration Movement Rises in Latin America and the Caribbean
Pixel perfection for carbon detection: How technologies and communities can curb global emissions from land-use change
When: Sunday, December 6, 2015 | 11:30-13:00
Where: Room TBA, Global Landscapes Forum, Palais de Congres
Description: This discussion forum will focus on how we can unlock the black box of land-use emissions for decision makers and citizens all over the world by harnessing the power of innovative partnerships, big data, and powerful new technologies. The discussion will be kick started by the public introduction of Global Forest Watch Climate, a partnership-driven online platform. The platform allows users to start to ask questions about land-use emissions, make comparisons, and get meaningful answers.
- Abdon Nababan, Secretary General, Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN)
- Tasso Azevedo, General Coordinator, MapBiomas Initiative
- Frances Seymour, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
- Nancy Harris, Research Manager for Global Forest Watch, World Resources Institute
- Chris Field, Founding Director, Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution
- Jackson Kimani, Kenya Country Director, Clinton Climate Initiative
- Matt Hansen, Professor, University of Maryland
Engaging the private sector in long-term solutions to end Indonesia’s forest fires and haze
When: Sunday, December 6, 2015
Description: Indonesia’s fires and haze have implications across multiple scales, including regional investment and political relations, as well as international trade and global commodity supply chains. However, it is a challenge that will have to be met at home and with the participation of the public sector, the private sector, and the people. This session explores the potential for the private sector to work with government and the local people to prevent and combat forest fires in Indonesia, and the challenges they will face. It also addresses the three most important actions for companies to boost efforts to resolve forest fires in Indonesia?
- Mansuetus Alsy Hanu (Darto), National Coordinator, Indonesia’s Palm Oil Smallholder Union (SPKS)
- Dharsono Hartono, President Director, PT Rimba Makmur Utama, Indonesia
- Agus Purnomo, Managing Director for Sustainability and Strategic Stakeholders Engagement, Golden Agri-Resources, Ltd.
- Herry Purnomo, Project Leader ‘Political Economy of Fire and Haze in Indonesia’, CIFOR
- Jatna Supriatna, Chairman, Research Center for Climate Change, University of Indonesia
- Moderator: Tjokorda Nirarta “Koni” Samadhi, Country Director, World Resources Institute, Indonesia (Moderator)
Initiative 20x20 and FAS Thematic Pavilion
When: Sunday, December 6, 2015 | All day
Where: Global Landscapes Forum, Palais de Congres
Description: This is a booth co-hosted by Initiative 20x20 and Fundação Amazonas Sustentável (FAS). It will include 3 activities throughout the day
- moderated discussion on how payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes can support the implementation of SDGs and thus secure local populations' rights and needs;
- presentation of a set of monitoring tools to make forest conservation projects' outcomes available to a massive audience;
- presentation on how the REDD+ agenda could be moved forward at COP21.
Contact: Walter Vergara
WRI will also host and participate in a number of related events at COP 20 outside of the Global Landscapes Forum, including:
Global Forest Watch Climate: Experimentation Lab
When: Friday, December 11, 2015 | 15:30-17:00
Where: Room: Salle 3, Green Zone, COP21, Paris
Description: Learn how to use Global Forest Watch to monitor forest change, sustainability of commodities, land and forest fires, and carbon emissions. Details TBA.
Satellite Images for Sustainable Forest Management
When: Friday, December 11, 2015 | 17:15-18:45
Where: Room: Salle 2, Green Zone, COP21, Paris
Description: Representatives from AFD, IGNFI and REDD+ focal points from key African countries. WRI speaker: James Anderson. Details TBA.
Global Restoration Initiative
Visit ProjectWRI is partnering with governments, businesses, and communities around the world to restore millions of hectares of deforested and degraded land.
Part of ForestsGlobal Forest Watch
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectOffering the latest data, technology and tools that empower people everywhere to better manage and protect forest landscapes.
Part of ForestsForest Governance and Policy (FGP)
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectThe Forest Governance and Policy (FGP) team works to achieve better forest management and governance through preventing illegal logging and supporting legal sourcing.
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