The 12th session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP12) will feature a day-long session “Ecosystems Restoration Day” in the Rio Conventions Pavilion (RCP) - a collaborative initiative of the Secretariats of the three Rio Conventions and the Global Environment Facility with other partner organizations who contribute to the Pavilion activities. The objective of the Pavilion is to promote and strengthen synergies between the Rio Conventions at the implementation level, by providing a coordinated platform to enhance capacity-building, awareness-raising, information sharing and outreach within the framework of the Rio Conventions.

Under the overarching theme of “Combining our Strengths: Sustainable Land Management is the Path to Preserve Biodiversity, Cope with Climate Change, and Achieve the SDG's”, the RCP will explore the theme Ecosystem Restoration on October 20th. Organized jointly by WRI, IUCN and the Secretariat for the Convention on Biodiversity Conservation (CBD), Ecosystems Restoration Day will feature multiple sessions on restoration including “The Global Forest & Landscape Restoration Agenda,” “The African Restoration initiative,” “Leveraging social programmes with socio-economic objectives for the conservation and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems,” “Advances in Tree Cover Mapping & Monitoring for Restoration,” “Six Steps to Regreening & Great Restoration Stories,” and a screening of the documentary Ethiopia Rising.

Dr. Dennis Garrity and Dr. Fred Stolle will be speaking on behalf of WRI at the session “The Global Forest & Landscape Restoration Agenda,” which aims to highlight key developments in building momentum around the Bonn Challenge, the New York Summit Declaration and the Land Degradation Neutrality SDG target to restore hundreds of millions of hectares of degraded land thought partnerships and investment opportunities.

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Tue 20 Oct

Ecosystem Restoration Day
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) & WRI

10:00 – 11:30

The Global Forest & Landscape Restoration Agenda
The global community is mobilizing around the Bonn Challenge, the New York Summit Declaration, and the Land Degradation Neutrality SDG target to restore hundreds of millions of hectares of degraded lands. This sess ion will highlight key developments in building momentum around these efforts by strengthening partnerships and investment opportunities.
-      Introduction and Overview - Dennis Garrity, Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute
-      The 20x20 Latin America Restoration Initiative – Fred Stolle, World Resources Institute
-      The FAO Forest & Landscape Program – Sally Bunning (tbc)
-      The Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology - IUCN
-      The Restoration of Pastoral Lands - Jonathan Davies, Coordinator, Global Drylands Initiative IUCN
Audience Participation

11:40 – 13:10

The African Restoration Initiative
Forest and landscape restoration in Africa can help achieve multiple objectives to improve soil fertility and access to clean water, combat desertification, enhance food security, create green jobs, bolster economic growth and livelihood diversification, and support multiple SDG targets. This session will highlight current efforts to accelerate effective approaches to supporting country-led efforts to develop and realize restoration commitments.
-      Introduction and Overview
-      Landscape Resilience in Africa – Mamadou Diakhite, NEPAD
-      The African Landscape Action Plan – Melissa Thaxton, Ecoagriculture Partners
-      GIZ's Support for Restoration in Africa – Klaus Ackerman, Advisor
-      CGIAR Research in Support of the Restoration Agenda - Debbie Bossio, Water, Land, and Ecosystems Research
-      Land health surveillance and Agroforestry in support of land restoration in Africa- Ermias Betemariam, World
Agroforestry Centre
Audience Participation

13:15 – 14:45

Leveraging social programmes with socio-economic objectives for the conservation and restoration of biodiversity
and ecosystems
Organized by CBD
-      Mr. Dias, Executive Secretary of the CBD attending
*Lunch Provided

15:00 – 16:30

Advances in Tree Cover Mapping & Monitoring for Restoration

16:40 – 18:10

Six Steps to Regreening & Great Restoration Stories

18:15 – 19:45

Film Viewing of the Outstanding Restoration Documentary “Ethiopia Rising!”, Cocktail Reception

See Full Rio Conventions Pavilion Agenda