Integrating Transparency, Public Participation, and Accountability into Protected Area Management
Please join The Access Initiative (TAI) and the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) for a brown bag lunch event.
The brown bag will discuss the work that TAI has been doing as part of our grant with CEPF which seeks to build the capacity of civil society to shape public policy reform in the Caribbean to protect biodiversity and ecosystem services. Three of our Caribbean partners (from Jamaica, Haiti, DR) will speak about their specific challenges and case studies in protected area management.
Opening Remarks: MICHELE ZADOR, Grants Director, Conservation International
Moderator: CAROLE EXCELL, Senior Associate,The Access Initiative, World Resources Institute
- DANIELLE ANDRADE, Legal Director, Jamaica Environmental Trust (JET) | Jamaica
- EUREN CUERVAS, Executive Director, Instituto de Abogados para la Protección del Medio Ambiente (INSAPROMA) | Dominican Republic
- JEAN ANDRE VICTOR, Executive Director, Association Haitienne de Droit de l’Environnement (AHDEN) | Haiti
This presentation will:
- Discuss challenges faced in protected area management in the Caribbean
- Explore why a rights-based approach to conservation is critical
- Address transparency of government and corporate actors in relation to the use of natural resources in protected areas
- Address rights of the public to participate in protected area management
- Address accountability of government actions to stated policy goals
- Present case studies about the Portland Bight Protected Area in Jamaica , la Reserva de Biosfera Jaragua-Bahoruco-Enriquillo in Dominican Republic, and Caracol Bay in Haiti
This analysis is part of the CEPF grant which seeks to build the capacity of civil society to shape public policy reform in the Caribbean to protect biodiversity and ecosystem services.
To participate online or by phone, please register for our webinar here: