Eye on Earth: Access for All Event (Panel Discussion)
Please join TAI (The Access Initiative) for a panel discussion on Access for All, a Special Initiative of Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration highlighting data and information access. This event is hosted by UNEP in conjunction with WRI and will feature presentations from:
Lalanath DeSilva (Director, The Access Initiative, World Resources Institute, Washington) on "Principle 10, Rio + 20 and latest International Developments"
Jeremy Wates (Secretary General, European Environmental Bureau) on "The Importance to support Principle Principle 10, an NGO view"
Alexander Juras (Chief Major Groups and Stakeholder Branch, UNEP) on "Opportunities for Enhancing Principle 10 globally: Applying the Bali Guidelines"
Magdolna Toth (The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe) on "Building Capacity for Applying Principle 10 globally"
William Sonntag (US-EPA) on "The US view on Principle 10"
The Access Initiative (TAI)
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectThe Access Initiative (TAI) is a partnership network dedicated to ensuring that citizens have the right and ability to influence decisions about their natural resources.
Part of Environmental Rights