Water: Emerging Risks and Opportunities Summit
In December 2010, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2013 as the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation. The objective of this International Year is to raise awareness, both on the potential for increased cooperation, and on the challenges facing water management in light of the increase in demand for water access, allocation and services.
On February 8, GE’s Water & Process Technologies, Goldman Sachs and the World Resources Institute co-hosted the Water: Emerging Risks and Opportunities Summit.
This unique summit brought key stakeholders together to discuss the increasing importance of water issues, including the nexus between water and energy, scale-up of technologies and infrastructure needs, role of public vs. private sector capital, and a view on policy initiatives related to water.
WRI highlighted it's Aqueduct project. Aqueduct's global water risk mapping tool helps companies, investors, governments, and other users understand where and how water risks and opportunities are emerging worldwide.
Because space is limited, participation in the Water Summit was by invitation only. However, anyone can follow the online conversation via the Twitter hashtag #H2Osummit.
Watch online videos from the event at https://www.goldmansachs.com/our-thinking/our-conferences/water-conference/index.html