For the most up-to-date information, please visit the Global Forest Watch project page.

At the UNFCCC COP18, a panel of experts discussed major challenges and innovations in forests today, including a sneak peak of Global Forest Watch

Global Forest Watch is a powerful near-real-time forest monitoring system that unites satellite technology, data sharing, and human networks around the world to fight deforestation. Launching soon.


  • Nigel Sizer, Director, Forests Initiative, World Resources Institute
  • Nirarta "Koni" Samadhi, Head of REDD+ Task Force Working Team on Moratorium Monitoring, Presidential Work Unit on Monitoring and Controlling Development, Government of Indonesia
  • Per Fredrik Ilsaas Pharo, Director, International Climate and Forest Initiative, Norwegian Ministry of the Environment, Government of Norway
  • Tim Christophersen, Senior Program Officer, Forests and Climate Change, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)