Sustainable Urban Transport Saves Lives
Cities reduce crashes and improve health by implementing actions that favor public transit, non-motorized transportation and sustainable urban development. In this Rio +20 side event we will discuss with a range of organization how avoiding motorized travel through the integration of sustainable land use and transport planning – increasing accessibility, saving lives and protecting the environment. We will also analyze the vital importance of shifting to safer, healthier and more environmentally friendly modes, such as public and non-motorized transport. Finally, we will take a look at ways to improve safe systems through designs and operations.
Panel Presentations
Holger Dalkmann, Director, EMBARQ Global - Moderator
Claudia Baptista, Manager of Traffic Data for Development Directory of CRT-Rio
Luis Antonio Galvao, Manager of Sustainable Development and Environmental Health, Pan American Health Organization
Luis Antonio Lindau, Director, EMBARQ Brazil
Guilherme Wilson, Manager of Mobility Operations, FETRANSPOR
Louis Gutierrez Aparicio, Latin America Strategic Director, EMBARQ and Secretary General of the Latin American Association of Integrated Systems and BRT - SIBRT
Tyrell Duncan, Director of Transport and Communications Division, East Asia Department, Asia Development Bank