Choosing Our Future: Open and Participatory Sustainable Development Governance
Watch the Event Streaming Live on June 19
On June 19th, governments, civil society groups, and intergovernmental organizations will meet to assess progress and advance proposals to move Principle 10 into its next generation of reforms. Workshops will give citizens and their governments the opportunities to share innovations and challenges as they identify next steps in citizen engagement in decision-making.
Following opening sessions, celebrating the environmental governance accomplishments and future commitments of governments and intergovernmental organizations, the day will center around working sessions. Each session will aim to produce guidance for post-Rio initiatives including:
- Capturing the major aspects and challenges of civil society participation in the institutional framework for sustainable development;
- Capturing the "next generation" of reform on Principle 10;
- Highlight the challenges of developing countries not yet onto "the next generation" and strategies for addressing them.
Each session will be chaired and reported on by a lead organization. A final session will compile the outputs of each session into a final Reference Document or Chairman’s Report capturing major recommendations and considerations for post-Rio actions. This document will be used in future decision-making processes hosted by members of the Environmental Management Group, regional economic commissions (e.g. UNECLAC), and domestic or bilateral forums. Additionally, it will serve as a blueprint for action by civil society groups in the future.
The Access Initiative (TAI)
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectThe Access Initiative (TAI) is a partnership network dedicated to ensuring that citizens have the right and ability to influence decisions about their natural resources.
Part of Environmental Rights