7th Asia Clean Energy Forum
For the past six years, ADB’s annual flagship event, the Asia Clean Energy Forum has progressively served as the premier knowledge sharing platform for learning and exchange of experiences on key issues and latest developments in clean energy. WRI has co-organized the event with the Asian Development Bank and USAID for the past four years.
This year’s Forum coincides with the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All, announced by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in 2011. The Forum will highlight successful strategies and mechanisms for accelerating access to affordable, low-carbon energy. Participants from Asia and around the world will share practical knowledge about what works in the key areas of energy access, clean energy technology, policy and regulation, and finance and how the stakeholders can work together to accelerate low carbon energy in the region.
The 7th Asia Clean Energy Forum will showcase distinguished experts from governments, financial institutions, project developers and service providers, civil society, academia, and international organizations in and around the region to share their valuable insights.
Topics to be addressed will include:
Innovative programs and business models for increasing access to energy;
Updates on the performance and cost effectiveness of clean energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies;
What policies, frameworks, and regulatory approaches work best?
Case studies of successful clean energy solutions from around Asia, as well as the US, Europe, Latin America, and Africa; and
How energy efficiency and renewable businesses and projects can be effectively linked with sources of finance and investment.
For more information, see the event website: https://asiacleanenergyforum.org/