WRI-ADB Fair FiT Workshop:
From February 21st to 23rd, 2012 the World Resources Institute, in cooperation with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), convened a group of energy policy experts and practitioners at the ADB headquarters in Manila, Philippines to discuss avenues for international assistance for renewable energy feed-in tariffs (FITs). The participants came from Sri Lanka, Thailand and the Philippines as well as from relevant ADB departments. The workshop was made possible with financial support received from the Heinrich Boell Stiftung North America.
- Aiming Zhou, Asian Development Bank
- Asoka Abeygunawardana, Energy Forum (Sri Lanka)
- Kanchana Siriwardena, Public Utilities Commission (Sri Lanka)
- Priyantha Wijayatunga, Asian Development Bank
- Dr. Sopitsuda Tongsopit and Dr. Chris Greacen
- Sutasana Kamnerdtong, Grenzone (Thailand)
- Silvia Kreibiehl, Deutsche Bank
- Pete Maniego, National Renewable Energy Board (Philippines)
- Jasper Inventor, Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (Philippines)