Rio 2012: Global Opportunity to Reaffirm Access Rights
The Access Initiative would like to invite you to participate in a side event on the emergence of regional conventions in support of environmental access rights on Thursday, 30 June, 08.30-09.45 in Room K (Press Center). Environmental access rights are the implementing devices of Principle 10 of the 1992 Rio Declaration, which states that decisions about the environment are best made when all relevant stakeholders have a voice in the process.
The workshop will discuss the following important question facing the Meeting of the Parities 4 (MOP4) of the Aarhus Convention:
- What are the best pathways to achieving universal application of Principle10? Are regional conventions one such pathway?
- Who are the global champions of Principle 10 outside UNECE and how can we learn from their experiences?
- How can the Aarhus Convention Parties help in global efforts to implement Principle 10?
- What should the message of the Aarhus Convention Parties be to Rio+20?
- Dr. Csaba Kiss, Regional Lead for Europe, The Access Initiative & Deputy Director, Environmenal Management & Law Association (Hungary)
- Kiril Ristovski, Country Lead, The Access Initiative Macedonia & Program Director, Florozon, Center for environmental Democracy
- Barbara Ruis, Legal Advisor, U.N. Environment Programme Regional Office for Europe (invited)
- Michael Ewing, Coordinator, Environmental Pillar of Social Partnership
- Angeles Pereira, Country Lead, The Access Initiative Argentina & Executive Director, Centro de Derechos Humanos y Ambiente
The Access Initiative (TAI)
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectThe Access Initiative (TAI) is a partnership network dedicated to ensuring that citizens have the right and ability to influence decisions about their natural resources.
Part of Environmental Rights