WRI 2021 Funding Commitments

This list totals just over $297M, which represents 97% of funds raised in FY21. The text associated with each donor describes the major bodies of work supported and may represent multiple contributions.

Donors who provided total contributions between $500,000 and higher in Fiscal Year 2021 (October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021)

Bezos Earth Fund


Funding to support two marquee initiatives - 1) Land and Carbon Lab, a satellite-based measurement and accountability system, and; 2) Electric School Bus project, which seeks to electrify the entire fleet of US school buses by 2030; Stakeholder engagement and the initial design for the second phase of AFR100, the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative.

Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Danida)


P4G (Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030); core support for implementation of WRI's 2018 - 2022 Strategic Plan; Supporting the NDC Partnership's 2022-2025 work plan, including providing funds to the Partnership Action Fund; Making the case for economic growth and climate action in key countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Global Environment Facility Climate Change Mitigation Unit


Renewed funding for WRI's role as co-executing partner for GPSC now called Sustainable Cities Impact Program (SCIP). Partnership with ICLEI, C40 and UNEP. The SCIP’s objective is to support cities in their pursuit of integrated urban planning and implementation that delivers impactful development outcomes with global environmental benefits.

IKEA Foundation


Support to stimulate demand for clean energy while attacking multi-modal poverty, strengthening resilience, and decreasing carbon footprints by deepening the analytic power of Energy Access Explorer (EAE), so that governments, energy planners, investors, and philanthropies have the data they need to make the connection between the demand and supply of energy and understand the scope of the opportunity for integrating clean energy solutions in the development sector; Support for the Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) to demonstrate the environmental and social co-benefits of sustainable and regenerative agriculture in India and Ethiopia; Support to deploy a three-pronged approach to strengthen international action on climate change by 1) equipping decision makers with robust analysis; 2) targeted outreach and engagement to enhance ambition, and; 3) strategic communications to shape the political landscape surrounding international action on climate change; Support to accelerate the vision outlined in the Paris Agreement; Support of WRI's Land Accelerator to empower entrepreneurial restoration efforts.



The Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU); Natural Regeneration in Brasil; Supporting the NDC Partnership's Technical Assitance Fund

Royal Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment


Global Forest Watch; WRI's Cities for Forests Initiative; New Climate Economy work based in Ethiopia

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)


Clean Air Catalyst, a flagship program launched by USAID and a global partnerships of organizations led by World Resources Institute and Environmental Defense Fund, Inc., focused on building capacity for locally tailored solutions that curb air pollution, tackle climate change and improve human health; Create greater transparency and accountability for projects and programs targeting forests through more robust monitoring and measurement of results; Create market incentives for sustainable commodity production by boosting ambition and enabling effective implementation of private sector zero-deforestation commitments; Support environmentally sound and socially equitable decision making in tropical forest countries through access to robust and transparent information about forest landscapes; Ensure actors producing, trading, sourcing or financing major forest-risk commodities and jurisdictions can readily access consistent, open-source and validated geospatial data to credibly monitor, verify and disclose their progress in reducing deforestation or restoring degraded land

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany (BMU)


Support for the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia, promoting a comprehensive decarbonization approach for transport through coherent policies and sector strategies to support China, India and Vietnam to achieve their NDCs and facilitate a paradigm shift to zero-emission transport; catalyzing restoration monitoring in five countries: Rwanda, Kenya, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras and scaling up restoration monitoring to continental and global scales; New Climate Economy; Tracking, implementing and strengthening of mitigation contributions; Land-use planning and financial innovation to increase Mexico’s resilience to climate change.

Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Stategy of the United Kingdom (BEIS)


Support to the NDC Partnership Support Unit Operations, Technical Assistance Fund and Partnership Action Fund; Transform the economic analysis that informs policy making in areas critical to low carbon transition in India

FedEx Corporation


The project builds on WRI's 10-year partnership with Fed Ex to help make cities better places for their residents, supporting efforts to protect and improve public transport in Brazil, China, India and Mexico.

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)


Core support for implementation of WRI's 2018-2022 Strategic Plan; New Climate Economy

U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UKFCO)


Consolidating Progress in Forest Governance through Transparency and Accountability; Adaptation Action Coalition; To advance locally led adaptation through regional dialogues; Mainstreaming adaptation finance in Africa; Development of Indonesia’s Long-term Development Plan (2025-2050), Indonesia’s Vision 2045 (100 years of Independence), and increasing ambition in Indonesia’s 2030 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and Long Term Strategy (LTS); Support for Coalition for Climate Resilient Investments

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (DGIS)


Core support for implementation of WRI's 2018-2022 Strategic Plan

United Nations University


Through pilot projects in Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, this project will develop, test, and disseminate a scalable approach for achieving transformative shifts in urban development to put cities on a path to zero-carbon emissions.

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia (DFAT)


WRI will be leading a consortium of Australian and Indian organizations (NIUA, MHT and McGregor Coxall ) to implement water sensitive urban design demonstration project in two urban disadvantaged communities (specifically women and girls) in Delhi with specific focus on climate change adaptation and disaster risk resilience. This will be supported by establishing or strengthening existing city water fora to provide the link between communities and city water managers, utility providers and city and provincial policy makers.

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ)


Support to the NDC Partnership 2021 - 2025 Work Program



Subnational climate actions towards carbon neutrality; To advance dialogue between Chinese and American stakeholders on key climate issues

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation


Continued support to GFW Pro and commodities work; Greening value chains

Bloomberg Philanthropies


Supporting cities in accessing and implementing federal funds to achieve their clean energy and climate goals, and also increase the focus on an equitable energy transition; Core funding for Science Based Targets for Financial Institutions; American Cities Climate Challenge; Help countries mobilize $1 trillion of investment for a massive deployment of solar energy technologies to accelerate a transition to a low-carbon, clean energy future, facilitate universal energy access and improve energy security by 2030; Analyze the impacts of state and subnational action on climate change

Quadrature Climate Foundation


Support for Cool Food Pledge and Cool Food Meals in Europe and the UK; To support delivery of a state-of-the-art scientific assessment on the economics of the transition to healthy, inclusive and sustainable food systems

German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)


AFR100 in Malawi, Rwanda, Kenya, and Cameroon; establish a broad coalition of public- and private-sector organizations to achieve transition to e-buses within 20 targeted cities and mass scaling to at least 500 additional cities.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden


Supports the NDC Partnership's 2022-2025 Work Plan, including contributing funds to the Partnership Action Fund

Conservation International Foundation


In partnership with Mastercard and Conservation International, the Priceless Planet Coalition seeks to employ science-based practices to guide the selection, implementation and monitoring efforts, with the goal of restoring 100 million trees

Global Environment Facility (GEF)


Market transformations that will facilitate decarbonization of building sector in Colombia and Turkey.



Investment in coastal restoration activities to create direct opportunities for economic development and job creation, and allow the maintenance of ecosystem health, and the preservation of associated industries, such as tourism, recreation and fishing.

Stichting DOB Ecology


Resource Watch

Oak Foundation


Promoting sustainable diets; Financing China’s 2060 carbon neutrality; To recruit companies in Europe to join the Cool Food Pledge, deepen engagement with current members and to raise awareness

Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)


Innovative technologies for fighting illegal logging: Scaling up wood identification and transparency platforms

World Economic Forum


To suport the Friends of Ocean Action initative to set specific goals, initiatives and solutions for the UN Ocean Conference; The Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy (PACE) is a public-private collaboration mechanism and project accelerator to support the circular economy transition

David K. Smoot Sustainability of Life on Earth Fund


General support for the Global Restoration Initiative; General unrestrcted support

UPS Foundation


Support for Science Based Targets Initiative; Greenhouse Gas Protocol tool updates; research on renewable natural gas as an alternative and renewable energy source; and, research to accelerate the transition and uptake of electric vehicles

Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs


To strengthen cross-boarder collaboration in the Congo Basin to trackle illegal logging

The Walmart Foundation


Funding supports the development and design the prototype of an online Climate Risk Tool, that seeks to improve the understanding and use of climate risks in decision-making, plans, policies and investments

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation


Global governance; Core funding for Science Based Targets for Financial Institutions; Aligning Passive Asset Management with Paris Climate Goals; Dialogue series connecting European and American climate change stakeholders on key policy issues

Agence Française de Développement (AFD)


Energy and air quality studies

U.S. Forest Service International Programs


To combat illegal logging and associated trade and promote trade in legally-sourced forest products

Laudes Foundation


To support WRI's Cities4Forests initiative

Michael Polsky Family


Funding for Polsky Chair for Renewable Energy. These funds support the work of the US Energy program on clean energy deployment. They have helped us grow new work on expanding 24/7 clean energy purchasing, transitioning wholesale power markets to enable clean energy, addressing grid challenges for clean energy, and enabling clean energy access for low income consumers.

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation


Work with MSMEs in two states to implement clean energy projects, by tapping into the economic strength of the global supply chains they feed into; Work with the auto industry, two state governments, National Skill Development Corporation, and Skill Council for Green Jobs to support MSMEs in the EV transition by: (a) creating a skill development program to protect livelihoods and (b) training MSMEs to access national and international climate finance



Support for the Harnessing Democratic Innovations to Drive Just Transitions project, which will identify a range of democratic, participatory approaches that can be leveraged to produce more equitable and ambitious climate action and policymaking. Through partnerships with key stakeholders in both the climate and open democracy communities and cutting-edge research, the project will deliver a user-tailored, interactive playbook on democratic innovation and climate action, conduct national and international engagement, as well as virtual and in-person trainings

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation


Incorporate more granular data into the Energy Access Explorer (EAE) for Tanzania; Supporting efforts to help green Chinese overseas investments and to pressure development banks to bring their portfolios in line with the Paris Agreement



To enhance the enabling environment for effective community-based management and protection of biodiversity resourecs in Madagascar

Ford Foundation


Renewal from the Ford Foundation to continue supporting EDP's work on environmental defenders via the Defending Defenders (DD) Coalition



General support for the Faith and Sustainability Initiative

UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions


Provide tools and capacity development to three Colombian cities to enable them to plan for the deployment of e-buses and support planning for e-bus adoption at the national level

Swedish Postcode Lottery


To support local actors across in three major tropical forest regions in combatting deforestation using the world’s first high-frequency, radar-based forest monitoring system

ClimateWorks Foundation


Supporting the development of a BRI investment database to help track critical data about the sustainability of China’s foreign investments; The project aims to better understand the existing operational practice of Intermediate Public Transport system in India and Vietnam, evaluate their potentials to be optimized and integrated into existing public transit system, and when feasible, catalyze their safe and equitable transformation; To integrate micromobility with transit to increase access, particularly for BIPOC communities and examine the perception and impacts of active mobility strategies on black communities – from safety and enforcement to health and post-COVID job recovery; and to identify ways for our community of allies to engage with the new incoming US Transportation Secretary;

Acacia Conservation Fund


General operating support

European Climate Foundation


COP26 roadmapping and preparation )launching what comes next, vulnerable countries engagement, finance); To support the continuation of the Data Portal for Cities assets produced in collaboration with The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, specifically developing and demonstrating new climate adaptation data features; Accelerate energy transition in Vietnam and the Philippines via the Clean Energy Investment Accelerator by buildings public-private coalitions and knowledge products that enable sustainable, resilient energy transformation while advancing climate and development goals

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors


Phase III of the Earth Dashboard project; To build a consortium of think tanks and experts from progressive and vulnerable countries to refuel solidarity among countries and accelerate climate actions

Climate and Land Use Alliance


To support sustainable and healthy diets in China; Research project(s) focused on advancing the interests of indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs)

Ruth McCormick Tankersley Charitable Trust


General support for the Climate Program

Patrick J. McGovern Foundation


Resource Watch

David Blood


WRI's Reserve; General unrestricted support

Donors who provided total contributions between $500,000 - $100,000 in Fiscal Year 2021 (October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021)

IHE Delft Foundation


To support phase 2 of the Water Peace and Security Initiative (WPSI)

Shell Foundation


Improving mobility services to low income consumers by spurring increased investment in private mobility enterprises, public-sector collaboration and inclusive policies for preexisting (e.g., paratransit) and new urban mobility models; Scoping of opportunities for private sector engagement in the electrification of mobility in Ethiopia as a part of Shell Foundation/DFID Regional Electric Vehicle Value Chain Development

Leon Lowenstein Foundation


Support to run a cohort to educate and support U.S. cities and counties in implementing aggregated renewable energy deals and help them identify and engage local and regional partners to increase deal size; To catalyze effective and equitable community solar programs in target cities, fostering new investment models with partners to drive greater levels of low-income participation and community benefit

Breakthrough Energy Foundation


Analysis and engagement on low-carbon product standards to drive decarbonization of the manufacturing sector in the US

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


To increase awareneess among polcymakers and opinion leaders for achieving synergies between food secutiry and climate mititgation and adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Carbon Disclosure Project, North America


Target validation for the Science Based Targets initiative

Google Inc.


In-kind support to purchase air quality sensors and other equipment for USAID Clean Air Catalyst pilot cities in India and Indonesia; WRI is supporting large energy buyers, particularly city governments, to implement 24/7 carbon-free energy (CFE) by conducting a webinar series to educate market participants about 24/7 CFE and by guiding a cohort of local governments interested in exploring pathways for advancing 24/7 CFE

Dalberg Catalyst


Forest Economy Project

University of Tokyo


The purpose is to contribute to the realization of a sustainable earth and human society through the establishment of Global Commons Stewardship

Great Plains Institute


Industrial Innovation Initiative

Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Netherlands


Contribution to WRI in support of the Platform for Accelerating Circular Economy (PACE) and its establishment in the Netherlands from 2019 onwards



To support Water-climate scenario development and analysis; To support WRI's Natural Infrastructure for Water Initiaitive

Fond Climat et Energie


Strengthening and scaling land restoration efforts in Latin America through Initiative 20x20

Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea


Accelerating the transformation of finance flows towards low-GHG emissions and climate resilient development

Sall Family Foundation


General operating support

Stichting SED Fund


To develop a web platform to provide easy access to real-time water risk data as well as power generation information in India; This initiative aims to develop strategies for two electric utilities in India to increase renewable energy uptake among their commercial and industrial consumers (Phase II)



Support to increase understanding and knowledge of women’s land rights and governance roles in collectively held lands following matrilineal systems in Latin America and how to protect and strengthen those systems from external pressures, by practitioners, researchers, and NGOs in the land rights sector and by Indigenous Peoples and women’s groups. Achieved through the development and dissemination of case studies of indigenous communities following matrilineal tenure systems in the Latin American Region

The Sunrise Project


Aligning Passive Asset Management with Paris Climate Goals; Integrating Climate Change into IMF Macroeconomic Surveillance

Linden Trust for Conservation


To build federal policy support for carbon removal in the US through legislative engagement and new research

Bank of America


Renewal funding in support of WRI's Finance Center (to analyze net-zero commitments); and the Business Center (to ensure corporate climate goals are aligned with climate policy)

Good Energies Foundation


The project focuses on energy access for development in climate vulnerable areas. It explores ways to harness renewable energy to achieve socio-economic development goals in rural and remote parts of India while working with partners in the health and livelihood sectors

Financial Sector Deepening Africa


To explore options for a multi-year collaboration on the financing of green city strategies

Growald Climate Fund


To develop a web platform to provide easy access to real-time water risk data as well as power generation information in India; To "build the field" on water and energy work in China



Support for corporate water stewardship via the Aqueduct Alliance, membership in WRI's Corporate Consultative Group to advance corporate sustainability, and Energy Access Explorer

Caterpillar Foundation


To support the scaling of sustainable natural infrastructure

Toyota Mobility Foundation


Scaling up the Station Access and Mobility Program (STAMP), improving access to and efficiency of metro rail in India through better integration with other transport networks

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group


Funding proposal to support Coalition for Urban Transitions engagement activities leading up to COP26 from the Children's Investment Fund Foundation via C40

World Wildlife Fund


Support to develop updated and improved Greenhouse Gas Protocol guidance and a new database of tools to help companies measure and account for land sector emissions and removals; Develop an operational method within Global Forest Watch Pro for companies to account more precisely for the variable land use and emission impacts of products in their supply chains depending on where they originate, and to monitor impacts going

Pisces Foundation


To support the adoption of measures to address short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) to increase ambition in commitments to the Paris Agreement

Heising-Simons Foundation


Convening state and local leaders to advance decarbonization of the transportation sector

Embassy of the United States of America in China


Building Cross-agency Consensus in U.S.-China Timber Trade

ADM Capital Foundation


Decarbonizing Hong Kong Urban Transport

Four Twenty Seven


To work with three organizations to develop Aqueduct Future Projections

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies


To address two global crises; the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. The work focused on the three transitions toward decarbonization, circular economy, and decentralization, will be the cornerstone of our recovery from COVID-19, on the way to redesigning our lifestyle and business models to be more sustainable and resilient

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)


To conduct Parched Power analyses in countries in southern Europe, northern Africa, Mediterranean region, and central Asia

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile


Capacity building, planning, governance, and citien engagement for Bus Rapid Transit

National Environment Agency of Singapore


To support Global Forest Watch



Contribution of funding towards PACE Hub

Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment of Ireland


To support NDC Partnership 2021 - 2025 Work Program

World Cocoa Foundation


To support WRI's work on the Cocoa & Forests Initiative (CFI)

Foundation for the Global Compact


Climate Ambition Accelerator

BlackRock Inc.


Development of a predictive model that estimates reservoir water storage using weather and local water use data