WRI 2016 Funding Commitments

The text associated with each donor describes the major bodies of work supported and may represent multiple contributions.

Donors who provided total contributions of $500,000 and higher in Fiscal Year 2017 (October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway

Accelerate low emissions development in Indonesia through sustainable land-use management and improved forest governance.

United Nations Environment Program

Scale up of the Sustainable Energy for All Building Efficiency Accelerator; capacity building for developing countries to manage, deploy, and monitor Green Climate Fund financing; delivery of a food loss and waste prevention strategy in support of Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 to halve global food loss and waste by 2030; empowering decision makers in government, business, and civil society to use Global Forest Watch to reduce deforestation and land degradation, combat illegal activities, and conserve biodiversity; build the foundation for forest restoration at scale, with particular attention to finance, gender, community-based management and impact monitoring; and identify nationally-binding controls, standards, and compliance status for lead paint for countries known to have legal limits and for those that have not responded to a World Health Organization request for information.

Department for International Development of the UK

New Climate Economy work in Africa, with a focus on Cities, Industry, Gender, and Structural Transformations; scale up of forest transparency and accountability for good governance and market transformation for timber and forest-risk commodities; and research for the publication World Resources Report: Towards a More Equal City.

Royal Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment

New Climate Economy project research and dissemination of an evidence base of how economic growth and climate action can be achieved together; Global Forest Watch to increase private sector ambition and action to eliminate deforestation associated with major agricultural commodity supply chains; and activities to increase support and ambitious commitments to forest landscape restoration, reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) actions in six priority countries.

The Children's Investment Fund Foundation

Realization of the “Transit Metropolis” development model in Chinese cities resulting in reduction of CO2 emissions, mitigation of air pollution and congestion, and substantially contributing to Beijing's goal of reducing vehicle emissions by 25% by 2017; providing Brazil with a non-car based model for urban design to prevent a trajectory of high carbon development; efforts to transform and scale up restoration efforts in Brazil by combining best practices in conservation and business acumen from commercial plantations; and analysis to inform decision-makers working across the sustainable development and climate agendas in the Addis Ababa and Paris climate conferences.

Stephen M. Ross Philanthropies

For the WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities.

Federal Ministry for the Environment of Germany

Mobilization of forest and landscape restoration; and Initiative 20x20, a country-led effort to bring 20 million hectares of land in Latin America and the Caribbean into restoration by 2020.

Citi Foundation

Pilot business models needed to overcome institutional and financial barriers that limit new sources of clean energy in China; and development and scaling up of sustainable urban solutions which support positive environmental impacts and economic growth in cities.

USAID Democratic Republic of Congo

Capacity building to monitor forest cover change, biodiversity protection, and policy implementation to maintain the humid forest ecosystem of the Congo Basin.

Caterpillar Foundation

Advance the progress of sustainable and livable cities in China, India, and Brazil.

U.S. Department of State

Increase investment in and deployment of renewable energy by addressing and resolving key barriers in the policy and finance sectors.


Promotion of high-quality sustainable urban mobility to increase the use of public transport.

The Tilia Fund

Forest Legality Alliance, Resource Watch, and general support for WRI's Climate Program.

Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands

Champions 12.3, an initiative to inspire ambition, mobilize action, and accelerate progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal Target 12.3.

US Agency for International Development

Global Forest Watch; to reduce global demand for illegally harvested wood through promotion of good governance and biodiversity conversation, and to strengthen the ability of forest product supply chains to prevent illegally harvested wood from entering the market in forest-rich countries.

Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany

The NDC Partnership, a global initiative to help countries achieve their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) or national climate commitments; and to enhance cooperation among countries and non-state actors to support successful implementation of NDCs and related Sustainable Development Goal commitments.

Shell Foundation

Engagement of cities in Mexico, India, Brazil, Turkey, and China to explore ways to improve accessibility and mass transit.

Bloomberg Philanthropies

India’s Smart Cities mission, an ambitious urban development agenda to improve quality of life in 109 of the fastest growing urban centers through the 100 Cities Challenge implemented by the Ministry of Urban Development.

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

General support for WRI's Climate Program.

The Nature Conservancy

Scale up natural infrastructure investments for source water protection in Brazil; for the first phase of the Natural Climate Solutions Initiative: Transforming Land Use to Combat Climate Change; and development of a publication on the global distribution and value of coral reef tourism.

Energy Agency of Sweden

Development of finance and energy-related research for the 2016 New Climate Economy Report; for incorporating partner institutions' inputs into the NCE country programs and special initiatives; and for the China-India Dialogue.

ClimateWorks Foundation

The Electricity Governance Initiative; establishment of a corporate GHG measurement and reporting program for businesses; research on implementing Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs); an analysis of public financing of international energy projects; analysis and implementation activities of the Paris Agreement on climate change; strategic support for the Climate Briefing Service; and for a workshop at the Overseas Development Institute.  

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

Assistance for C40 cities in China to measure and develop an inventory for their city-wide GHG emissions, set reduction targets, and build organizational capacity and processes to develop robust climate action plans.


General support of WRI's Climate Program.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

For the NDC Partnership, a global initiative to help countries achieve their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) or national climate commitments.

Verified Carbon Standard

Facilitates and incentivizes the design, implementation, and scaling up of policies and actions that generate significant and measurable greenhouse gas and sustainable development benefits; and to support credible, consistent, and comparible measurement, reporting, and verification for national and subnational climate change policies and actions.

Cargill, Inc.

Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, Global Forest Watch, and for Corporate Consultative Group membership.

Agency for Development Cooperation of Norway

New Climate Economy's Efficiency, Innovation and Low Carbon Growth project.

UPS Foundation

Greenhouse Gas Protocol; and the development of principles for the sustainable use of renewable natural gas.

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

WRI's US Climate Initiative; and reduction of coal production in Western China by leveraging water resources as a limiting factor.

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Capacity building for worldwide sustainable resource management.


Analysis on the costs and benefits of watershed investment alternatives and restoration projects in Latin America.


Donors who provided total contributions between $500,000 - $100,000 in Fiscal Year 2016 (October 1, 2015 – September 30, 2016)

The World Bank

Regional water security analysis for the Middle East and North Africa region; production of the "Mini-grids for Energy Access in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from Tanzania" report; development of e-learning course materials on transit-oriented development; a workshop on carbon pricing leadership; the Conservation of Precious Woods project; the Partnership for Market Readiness project; the Global Tiger initiative; and a final report summarizing findings and recommendations for current compliance work and future peer review processes.

Skoll Global Threats Fund

Research and communication on climate risk and assessment of climate impacts in the United States; development of global water and food risk indicators; and WRI's Resource Watch project.

United Nations Capital Development Fund

Design, testing and roll-out of the monitoring & evaluation system of the Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility for its methodology of "Performance Based Climate Resilience Grants."

Asian Development Bank

Participation in the "Shaanxi Scaled-Up Financing for Energy Efficiency" project and the "Asia Leadership Program: Building Communities of Leaders through Regional Knowledge-Sharing" project; production and release of a joint WRI-ADB report on renewable energy for poverty alleviation; and for the Flagship Study on Future Cities (2050) in Asia and the Pacific.

Ruth McCormick Tankersley Charitable Trust

General support for WRI's Climate Program.

United Nations Office for Project Services

For an initiative to support credible, consistent, and comparible measurement, reporting, and verification for national and subnational climate change policies and actions.

The Rockefeller Foundation

Development of water rights and trading schemes to reduce freshwater competition and protect ecosystems in Ningxia, China.

Tetra Tech ARD

"Protecting Ecosystems and Restoring Forests in Malawi" project; collaborative project with Minerva Foods to evaluate land and natural resource tenure challenges within supply chains, and increase social and ecological sustainability of operations that reduce deforestation and mitigate operational risk; an assessment of opportunities to improve agricultural land use and reduce GHG emissions in the Democratic Republic of Congo; and Corporate Consultative Group membership.

Alcoa Foundation

Forest restoration through gender empowerment in forest supply chains and to develop greenhouse gas accounting in farming and agricultural supply chains in Brazil; business and utility collaboration to expand access to affordable renewable energy without impacting other consumers; and research to determine the need for a standard on avoided GHG emissions.

QUALCOMM Incorporated

Work on wastewater conversion technologies, the energy-water nexus, and sludge to energy methods in India and China.


Promote an enabling environment for women's recognition and meaningful engagement as a stakeholder in community decision-making on large scale land acquisitions in Tanzania, Mozambique, and the Philippines.

KR Foundation

Better Buying Lab project, an incubator and accelerator of products and strategies that shift consumers toward more sustainable consumption.

Acacia Conservation Fund

General support.

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

WRI's Energy program activities to build national dialogues on integrated electricity planning in East Africa.

International Union for Conservation of Nature

Production of white papers on the Global Environmental Commons and expert participation in an IUCN project on natural Infrastructure for water security in Brazil.

Ministry of Infrastructure & Environment of the Netherlands

New Climate Economy engagement, communications, and research activities, including a paper on sustainable transport.

Generation Foundation

Global Forest Watch to explore cutting edge technologies to improve forest monitoring and transparency; and a corporate matching gift.

FIA Foundation for the Automobile and Society

Capacity building for "cities safer by design" in Brazil, Mexico, and Turkey; and support for Transforming Transportation event.

Open Society Foundations

To enhance the strategic value and impact of the Open Government Partnership; and to improve environmental safeguards and good governance in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Good Energies Foundation

Landscape restoration for climate and communities.

U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities

Development of scope of work to evaluate exposure to water risks across the Department of Defense's portfolio of installations and opportunities to apply natural infrastructure solutions.


Development of the frameworks and understanding needed for utilizing green bonds to unlock private sector financing of conservation and restoration in the United States; Corporate Consultatitive Group membership; and advisory services.

Facebook, Inc.

Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance.

Ford Foundation

Sustainable Investing Initiative, which uses WRI research and hands-on experience with its own endowment to mainstream sustainable investing.

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

WRI's Sustainable Finance Center work to shape the international architecture for climate finance.

French Development Agency

Strategic and knowledge partnership between the French Development Agency and WRI on climate and sustainable development finance and deliverables in the context of the global climate change and sustainable development agendas.

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Research, capacity building, and an international conference on Rapid Bus Transit for China.

National Environment Agency of Singapore

Development, piloting, and deployment of innovative technologies and methods to mitigate regional deforestation and aid fire detection and suppression efforts through the enhancement of Global Forest Watch.

The Energy Foundation

China FAQs project.

Wildlife Conservation Society

Efforts to improve implementation of biodiversity conservation in Africa through capacity building of local and national stakeholders on key environment and development issues.

Federal Office for the Environment of Switzerland

Coordination, partnership building, and initial development of Climate Watch knowledge portal; and for a research study estimating causal linkages between public policy and private climate finance.

The Walmart Foundation

Development of the Global Forest Watch Commodities platform.

Climate and Land Use Alliance

Sustainable Investing project and its ability to inform the design of climate policies and financing.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Protected area management in Gabon through development of an integrated and central information system.

Linden Trust for Conservation

WRI's Climate Program; US Carbon Pricing project; and work to advance nutrient trading in the Chesapeake Bay.

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia

Capacity building for Data-driven Climate Change Policy Decision-making" project in Indonesia.


Corporate Consultative Group membership and advisory service projects.

Bloomberg L.P.

Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas.

Growald Family Trust

Identification of climate-friendly opportunities to transition to clean energy and quantification of the co-benefits from a water perspective in India.

John and Ginger Sall

General support.

McKinsey & Company, Inc.

Sustainable urban transportation.

Oak Foundation

Safe Cities program in India.