This webinar provides a national overview of innovations in green tariffs, which offer large customers access to affordable renewable energy on the grid.



About the Event

At this webinar, speakers highlighted how utilities are using green tariffs to offer new, large-scale renewable energy to meet demand and attract businesses to their state.

Two new green tariffs in spring 2017 offer unique models that other states can follow. Omaha Public Power District in Nebraska became the first public power company to offer a green tariff, when it announced Rate 261M. Facebook will use the rate to procure 100% renewable energy for a new data center in Sarpy County, NE. Puget Sound Energy (PSE) in Washington state announced Green Direct, the first subscriber-style green tariff with commercial customers, local governments, and local institutions signing on.

WRI introduced an updated U.S. map of states offering the large-scale renewable energy programs as well as a new chart tracking green tariff deals.


  • Letha Tawney, Director of Utility Innovation, WRI

  • Tom MacLean, Manager, Customer Renewable Energy, Puget Sound Energy

  • Tim O'Brien, Economic Development Manager, Omaha Public Power District

  • Kirk Myers, Senior Manager, Sustainability, Recreational Equipment, Inc.

  • Megan Smith, Director of Climate and Energy Initiatives, Office of King County Executive