
Within This Topic



Indian Cities Pioneer Nature-based Solutions and Inspire National Climate Action

  • Top Outcome: 2023
  • Climate
  • nature-based solutions
  • National Climate Action
  • floods
  • climate change
  • Freshwater
Man gardening in plot.
  • Top Outcome: 2023
  • Climate
  • nature-based solutions
  • National Climate Action
  • floods
  • climate change
  • Freshwater

Jakarta Creates 50+ New Parks to Boost Climate Resilience

  • Top Outcome: 2023
  • Forests
  • Freshwater
  • nature-based solutions
Urban park in Jakarta.
  • Top Outcome: 2023
  • Forests
  • Freshwater
  • nature-based solutions

Improving Water Security Helps Reduce the Gender Gap in Mexico City

  • Forests
  • Gender
  • drought
  • infrastructure
  • water risk
A woman selling snacks from a cart in the middle of a busy plaza in Mexico City.
  • Forests
  • Gender
  • drought
  • infrastructure
  • water risk
  • Freshwater
  • Energy
  • electric grid

Women Are the Secret Weapon for Better Water Management

  • Freshwater
  • Sustainable Development Goal 5
  • Sustainable Development Goal 6
  • Water Security
  • Gender
  • water risk
  • Freshwater
  • Sustainable Development Goal 5
  • Sustainable Development Goal 6
  • Water Security
  • Gender
  • water risk

Many Industries Can Find Water-Energy Connections Somewhere in Their Value Chains

  • Energy
  • Freshwater
  • Business
  • Responsible Corporate Advocacy
  • Gender
  • fossil fuels
  • renewable energy
  • water risk
  • Energy
  • Freshwater
  • Business
  • Responsible Corporate Advocacy
  • Gender
  • fossil fuels
  • renewable energy
  • water risk

Over Heating


Thermal Power and Hydropower Plant Locations and Water Stress Level

  • electric grid
  • Finance
  • Freshwater
  • Energy
  • electric grid
  • Finance
  • Freshwater
  • Energy