
Within This Topic


2 Years of Justice40: Integrating Environmental Justice into US Climate Policy

  • environmental justice
  • Equity & Governance
  • infrastructure
  • Energy
  • U.S. policy
  • Tracking Climate Action
  • U.S. Climate Policy-Equity
Smokestacks in the background of a neighborhood with rowhouses in Baltimore, MD
  • environmental justice
  • Equity & Governance
  • infrastructure
  • Energy
  • U.S. policy
  • Tracking Climate Action
  • U.S. Climate Policy-Equity


Monitoring crops.
Technical Perspectives

How Prepared Are US Cities to Implement the Justice40 Initiative?

  • environmental justice
  • Equity & Governance
  • Cities
  • infrastructure
  • Energy
  • U.S. Climate Policy-Equity
An electric bus against the backdrop of greenspace within a city
  • environmental justice
  • Equity & Governance
  • Cities
  • infrastructure
  • Energy
  • U.S. Climate Policy-Equity

New Data Added to the China Overseas Finance Inventory

  • data
  • climate investment funds
  • Equity & Governance
  • data
  • climate investment funds
  • Equity & Governance

7 Major Transformations to Solve Urban Inequality

  • Urban Development
  • Urban Transformations
  • land use
  • data
  • infrastructure
  • Equity & Governance
  • Towards a More Equal City
  • COP26
An aerial view of a cluster of small homes next to luxury buildings, all surrounded by trees.
  • Urban Development
  • Urban Transformations
  • land use
  • data
  • infrastructure
  • Equity & Governance
  • Towards a More Equal City
  • COP26

Improving Water Security Helps Reduce the Gender Gap in Mexico City

  • Forests
  • Gender
  • drought
  • infrastructure
  • water risk
A woman selling snacks from a cart in the middle of a busy plaza in Mexico City.
  • Forests
  • Gender
  • drought
  • infrastructure
  • water risk

The Payoffs of Open Climate Data

  • Climate
  • data
Ramani Huria workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • Climate
  • data

A Fairer and More Sustainable Post-COVID World in Latin America

  • biking
  • Towards a More Equal City
  • infrastructure
  • sanitation
  • Cities
  • Equity & Governance
  • Finance
  • low carbon development
  • multilateral development banks
  • transportation
  • Freshwater
Silhouette of a person with a bicycle overlooking Belo Horizonte's skyline. Photo by Mariana Gil/WRI.
  • biking
  • Towards a More Equal City
  • infrastructure
  • sanitation
  • Cities
  • Equity & Governance
  • Finance
  • low carbon development
  • multilateral development banks
  • transportation
  • Freshwater

Nature Is An Economic Winner for COVID-19 Recovery

  • coronavirus
  • infrastructure
  • Economics
  • Equity & Governance
  • coronavirus
  • infrastructure
  • Economics
  • Equity & Governance

Collaboration on Nature-Based Solutions is Key to Resilient City Infrastructure

  • Economics
  • Climate Resilience
  • infrastructure
  • Cities
  • natural infrastructure
Cross-agency collaboration and investing in blue-green infrastructure resulted in Singapore’s redesigned Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park.
  • Economics
  • Climate Resilience
  • infrastructure
  • Cities
  • natural infrastructure

RELEASE: Global Leaders Call for Urgent Action on Climate Adaptation; Commission Finds Adaptation Can Deliver $7.1 Trillion in Benefits

  • Climate Resilience
  • Climate
  • Business
  • adaptation finance
  • infrastructure
  • agriculture
  • hurricanes
  • Climate Resilience
  • Climate
  • Business
  • adaptation finance
  • infrastructure
  • agriculture
  • hurricanes

Energy Access Explorer

kutch sunset.jpg

Indonesia and Democratic Republic of the Congo Accelerate Social and Community Forest Management

  • Top Outcome: 2018
  • Indigenous Peoples & Local Communities
  • Equity & Governance
A man in Ilanga Village, DRC, holds a map showing commercial concessions on community lands. Photo by Molly Bergen/WCS, WWF, WRI
  • Top Outcome: 2018
  • Indigenous Peoples & Local Communities
  • Equity & Governance

Will Women Build the Sustainable Infrastructure of the Future?

  • Equity & Governance
  • infrastructure
  • Sustainable Development Goal 5
  • The $26 Trillion Opportunity
  • Gender
Installing a rooftop solar panel in Malawi
  • Equity & Governance
  • infrastructure
  • Sustainable Development Goal 5
  • The $26 Trillion Opportunity
  • Gender

INSIDER: Preparing for SDG 13 Climate Action Review Requires Open Data

  • Climate
  • sustainable development goals
  • data
  • Climate
  • sustainable development goals
  • data

How Open Data Can Help Solve Kenya’s Energy Access Problems

  • Energy
  • data
  • Energy Access
  • human rights
Kibera, Kenya
  • Energy
  • data
  • Energy Access
  • human rights