

3 Ways China Can Improve Climate-resilient Infrastructure Investment

  • infrastructure
  • Climate Resilience
  • adaptation finance
  • Economics
High speed train and natural wetland in China.
  • infrastructure
  • Climate Resilience
  • adaptation finance
  • Economics

Nigeria Moves Toward a Sustainable COVID-19 Recovery

  • Climate
  • Economics
  • Climate Resilience
  • coronavirus
  • climate change
  • fossil fuels
  • Gender
A sprawling city underneath a cloudy sky.
  • Climate
  • Economics
  • Climate Resilience
  • coronavirus
  • climate change
  • fossil fuels
  • Gender
Technical Perspectives

INSIDER: Funding Climate Goals: 3 Lessons from Fiji

  • adaptation finance
  • Climate Resilience
  • Economics
  • climate finance
  • climate change
  • Ocean
A fisherman on the beach in Fiji, handling his fishing net.
  • adaptation finance
  • Climate Resilience
  • Economics
  • climate finance
  • climate change
  • Ocean

PODCAST: Seeing the Ocean as a Solution, Not a Victim

  • Climate Resilience
  • podcasts
  • Economics
  • Ocean
A cluster of coral in the ocean.
  • Climate Resilience
  • podcasts
  • Economics
  • Ocean

Designing the COVID-19 Recovery for a Safer and More Resilient World

  • coronavirus
  • Economics
  • Climate Resilience
  • coronavirus
  • Economics
  • Climate Resilience

After COVID-19, 5 Ways India Can Pursue a Sustainable and Resilient Recovery

  • coronavirus
  • infrastructure
  • Climate Resilience
  • Economics
  • renewable energy
  • low carbon development
Person riding motorcycle in India during coronavirus pandemic
  • coronavirus
  • infrastructure
  • Climate Resilience
  • Economics
  • renewable energy
  • low carbon development

Coronavirus Recovery

<h2>WRI Statement in Response to COVID-19</h2><p>Statement from Dr. Andrew Steer, CEO and President of World Resources Institute, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.</p>

4 Things to Know About the Global Adaptation Challenge

  • Equity & Governance
  • Climate Resilience
  • Climate
  • Economics
  • Sustainable Development Goal 1
  • Sustainable Development Goal 13
  • climate change
Cyclone Idai response in Mozambique
  • Equity & Governance
  • Climate Resilience
  • Climate
  • Economics
  • Sustainable Development Goal 1
  • Sustainable Development Goal 13
  • climate change

Planes, Trains and (Big) Automobiles: How Heavy Transport Can Reduce Emissions and Save Money

  • Business
  • Economics
  • circular economy
  • Urban Mobility
  • The $26 Trillion Opportunity
  • renewable energy
  • transportation
A fuel-efficient airplane takes off during NASA's Green Flight competition.
  • Business
  • Economics
  • circular economy
  • Urban Mobility
  • The $26 Trillion Opportunity
  • renewable energy
  • transportation

Green Growth for the Commonwealth: Ready for Phase Three

  • Climate Resilience
  • Economics
  • Urban Mobility
  • Cities
  • transportation
Bicycle rickshaws in Mumbai, India
  • Climate Resilience
  • Economics
  • Urban Mobility
  • Cities
  • transportation

RELEASE: The Future Depends on Decoupling Business Growth from Resource Use

  • public transit
  • Responsible Corporate Advocacy
  • Economics
  • Business
  • agriculture
  • public transit
  • Responsible Corporate Advocacy
  • Economics
  • Business
  • agriculture

How Do You Know if Adaptation Is Working? Lessons from Kumbharwadi, India

  • Climate Resilience
  • Climate
  • Economics
  • agriculture
  • climate change
  • restoration
  • Freshwater
Field in Trimbak, Maharashtra, India
  • Climate Resilience
  • Climate
  • Economics
  • agriculture
  • climate change
  • restoration
  • Freshwater

Transformational Shifts to Protect Global Commons

  • Climate Resilience
  • Climate
  • Economics
  • COP22
  • low carbon development
  • sustainable development goals
Beach in Florida
  • Climate Resilience
  • Climate
  • Economics
  • COP22
  • low carbon development
  • sustainable development goals

By the Numbers: Economic Impacts of Climate Change in the Lower Mekong Basin

  • Equity & Governance
  • Climate Resilience
  • climate change
  • Economics
The Lower Mekong River Basin (LMB) spans Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, and supports **60 million people**. The region is also widely recognized as highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Photo credit: William Cho, Flickr
  • Equity & Governance
  • Climate Resilience
  • climate change
  • Economics

How Can We Pay for Green Growth? New Report Provides Answers

  • Climate
  • Business
  • Climate Resilience
  • climate finance
  • low carbon development
  • Economics
  • Climate
  • Business
  • Climate Resilience
  • climate finance
  • low carbon development
  • Economics