February 17, 2009
Aggregate Contributions of Major GHG Emitting Countries: 2005

January 14, 2009
UNFCCC Adaptation Funds in operation (US$ Million)

January 14, 2009
Annual Adaptation Costs in Developing Countries

November 25, 2008
Cumulative Power Sector Investment by Region, 2005-2030

November 25, 2008
North American Venture Capital Flows into Clean Technology Companies

November 25, 2008
Smart Wedges & Threat Wedges

November 25, 2008
The Wedges Concept

November 17, 2008
Top 12 CO2-Emitting Countries & Their Per-Capita Emissions (2004)

May 23, 2008
Per Capita CO2 Emissions, Current and Projected

March 24, 2008
US-CAP Recommendations

March 14, 2008
World Greenhouse Gas Emissions: 2000

March 14, 2008
U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Flow Chart

February 19, 2008
Factors Influencing China Climate Change Policy