


6 Signs of Progress Since the Adoption of the Paris Agreement

  • Climate
  • climatewatch-pinned
  • COP25
  • National Climate Action
  • science based targets
  • Urban Mobility
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate change
  • GHG emissions
  • fossil fuels
  • renewable energy
A dock filled with boats with the Eiffel Tower in the background.
  • Climate
  • climatewatch-pinned
  • COP25
  • National Climate Action
  • science based targets
  • Urban Mobility
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate change
  • GHG emissions
  • fossil fuels
  • renewable energy

CO2 Emissions Climb to an All-Time High (Again) in 2019: 6 Takeaways from the Latest Climate Data

  • Climate
  • Energy
  • carbon removal
  • COP25
  • fossil fuels
  • climate change
  • climatewatch-pinned
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • carbon removal
  • COP25
  • fossil fuels
  • climate change
  • climatewatch-pinned

A Tale of Two Cities in Brazil (and the Forest that Connects Them)

  • Forests
  • deforestation
  • Cities
  • restoration
Salvador's city government delivers native trees to residents, as part of an effort to revitalize the surrounding Atlantic Forest. Photo by Marcelo Gandra.
  • Forests
  • deforestation
  • Cities
  • restoration

Help for São Paulo’s Complex Water Woes: Protect and Restore Forests

  • Forests
  • Freshwater
  • Climate Resilience
  • Water Security
  • drought
  • Cities
  • restoration
The Atibainha reservoir in Cantareira System in São Paulo during drought.
  • Forests
  • Freshwater
  • Climate Resilience
  • Water Security
  • drought
  • Cities
  • restoration


Pond and trees in front of city skyline.

RELEASE: WRI Africa Opens with a Focus on Forests, Cities, and Water

  • Freshwater
  • Cities
  • restoration
  • water risk
  • Freshwater
  • Cities
  • restoration
  • water risk

Bad Air to Better Oceans: 6 Environment and Development Stories to Watch in 2018

  • Equity & Governance
  • Finance
  • Ocean
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Food
  • Forests
  • Freshwater
  • Cities
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Aqueduct
  • stories to watch
  • Air Quality
  • climate change
  • restoration
  • international climate policy
  • fossil fuels
  • pollution
  • U.S. policy
  • water risk
  • Equity & Governance
  • Finance
  • Ocean
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Food
  • Forests
  • Freshwater
  • Cities
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Aqueduct
  • stories to watch
  • Air Quality
  • climate change
  • restoration
  • international climate policy
  • fossil fuels
  • pollution
  • U.S. policy
  • water risk

3 Ways Brazil Can Be a Global Leader in Turning Sustainability Commitments into Action

  • Forests
  • Cities
  • Paris Agreement
  • restoration
  • climate change
  • low carbon development
Local community in the Tapajós National Forest in Pará
  • Forests
  • Cities
  • Paris Agreement
  • restoration
  • climate change
  • low carbon development

Habitat III: Milestone for the World’s Cities or Business as Usual?

  • Climate Resilience
  • Climate
  • Cities
  • Paris Agreement
  • low carbon development
  • sustainable development goals
Quito and clouds
  • Climate Resilience
  • Climate
  • Cities
  • Paris Agreement
  • low carbon development
  • sustainable development goals

Transforming Transportation: From Global Targets to Local Action

  • Cities
  • climate change
  • road safety
  • low carbon development
  • sustainable development goals
  • transportation
  • Health & Road Safety
Bus rapid transit (BRT) in Curitiba, Brazil
  • Cities
  • climate change
  • road safety
  • low carbon development
  • sustainable development goals
  • transportation
  • Health & Road Safety

Jump-starting the SDGs: 4 Lessons from Early Adopters

  • Climate
  • International Climate Action
  • Cities
  • GHG emissions
  • climate policy
  • NDC
  • sustainable development goals
Photo Credit: <a href="">versello</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>
  • Climate
  • International Climate Action
  • Cities
  • GHG emissions
  • climate policy
  • NDC
  • sustainable development goals

WRI Calls SDGs "A Bold New Agenda For International Development"

  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Food
  • Forests
  • Freshwater
  • Cities
  • low carbon development
  • sustainable development goals
  • United Nations
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Food
  • Forests
  • Freshwater
  • Cities
  • low carbon development
  • sustainable development goals
  • United Nations

6 Stories to Watch in 2015: Global Climate Deal, Sustainable Development Goals, Rising Water Risks and More

  • Finance
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Forests
  • Freshwater
  • Cities
  • Business
  • Aqueduct
  • climate change
  • international climate policy
  • low carbon development
  • sustainable development goals
  • United Nations
  • U.S. policy
  • water risk
  • stories to watch
Andrew Steer presented 2015's Stories to Watch before a packed house at the Press Club in Washington, D.C. Photo by Bill Dugan/WRI
  • Finance
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Forests
  • Freshwater
  • Cities
  • Business
  • Aqueduct
  • climate change
  • international climate policy
  • low carbon development
  • sustainable development goals
  • United Nations
  • U.S. policy
  • water risk
  • stories to watch

COP20 Lays the Groundwork for Paris Climate Pact: 7 Key Developments

  • Finance
  • International Climate Action
  • Energy
  • Forests
  • Cities
  • COP20
  • deforestation
  • restoration
  • Climate
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate finance
  • climate change
  • Equity & Governance
  • GHG emissions
  • international climate policy
  • low carbon development
Participants at December 2014 international climate conference in Lima
  • Finance
  • International Climate Action
  • Energy
  • Forests
  • Cities
  • COP20
  • deforestation
  • restoration
  • Climate
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate finance
  • climate change
  • Equity & Governance
  • GHG emissions
  • international climate policy
  • low carbon development

By the Numbers: The New Climate Economy

  • Energy
  • Forests
  • Cities
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • climate change
  • restoration
  • energy efficiency
  • international climate policy
  • renewable energy
A new report shows that economic growth and action on climate change can now be achieved together. Photo credit: Walmart, Flickr
  • Energy
  • Forests
  • Cities
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • climate change
  • restoration
  • energy efficiency
  • international climate policy
  • renewable energy

7 Stories to Watch in 2014

  • Energy
  • Food
  • Forests
  • Cities
  • fossil fuels
  • deforestation
  • Air Quality
  • Climate
  • climate change
  • restoration
  • U.S. policy
As host of the 2014 World Cup, all eyes will be on Brazil's cities to see how they deal with their sustainability challenges and opportunities. Photo credit: Crystal Davis, WRI
  • Energy
  • Food
  • Forests
  • Cities
  • fossil fuels
  • deforestation
  • Air Quality
  • Climate
  • climate change
  • restoration
  • U.S. policy