

190 Resources for

5 Priorities for Urban Climate Action in 2023 and Beyond

  • transportation
  • electric mobility
  • Freshwater
  • Climate
  • Paris Agreement
  • nature-based solutions
  • poverty
  • human rights
A new electric bus in New Delhi, India
  • transportation
  • electric mobility
  • Freshwater
  • Climate
  • Paris Agreement
  • nature-based solutions
  • poverty
  • human rights

Restoring a Degraded Ethiopian Watershed for Water and Livelihood Security

  • food security
  • agriculture
  • poverty
  • Climate Equity
  • Freshwater
This view of the degraded Minzir 01 watershed shows evident signs of gully formation and low stream flow.
  • food security
  • agriculture
  • poverty
  • Climate Equity
  • Freshwater

An Innovative Jobs Program in Odisha, India Helped Informal Workers Through COVID-19 and Beyond

  • poverty
  • coronavirus
  • Climate Resilience
  • WRI Ross Center Prize for Cities
Workers build steps in Odisha, India
  • poverty
  • coronavirus
  • Climate Resilience
  • WRI Ross Center Prize for Cities

5 Things Vulnerable Countries Need from Policymakers at COP27

  • Climate
  • climate impacts
  • Equity & Governance
  • Climate Equity
  • Paris Agreement
  • paris rulebook
  • climate finance
  • COP27
  • climatewatch-pinned
Ambulance driving through flood water on road in Mumbai, India, 2018.
  • Climate
  • climate impacts
  • Equity & Governance
  • Climate Equity
  • Paris Agreement
  • paris rulebook
  • climate finance
  • COP27
  • climatewatch-pinned

To Build Back from COVID-19, Don’t Overlook Informal Workers

  • coronavirus
  • climate finance
  • climate impacts
  • poverty
Tamil Nadu street vendor
  • coronavirus
  • climate finance
  • climate impacts
  • poverty
Technical Perspectives

INSIDER: 4 Key Topics Climate Negotiators Must Resolve by COP26

  • climatewatch-pinned
  • paris rulebook
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate finance
  • climate change
  • COP26
  • Finance
  • climatewatch-pinned
  • paris rulebook
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate finance
  • climate change
  • COP26
  • Finance

Combating the Coronavirus Without Clean Water

  • coronavirus
  • Water Security
  • poverty
  • health
  • Freshwater
People getting water in India
  • coronavirus
  • Water Security
  • poverty
  • health
  • Freshwater

City Leaders Must Prioritize Climate Resilience of Vulnerable Communities

  • Cities
  • Climate Resilience
  • climate change
  • poverty
Penjaringan, North Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Cities
  • Climate Resilience
  • climate change
  • poverty

Ensuring a "Just Transition": 5 Priorities to Make Climate Action Benefit Low-Income and Disadvantaged Groups

  • Climate
  • COP25
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate policy
  • Climate Equity
  • Equity & Governance
  • Gender
  • poverty
  • Indigenous Peoples & Local Communities
A youth group marching in Paris, with a banner that says "climate justice = social justice." Photo by Andreas Link/Young FoEE
  • Climate
  • COP25
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate policy
  • Climate Equity
  • Equity & Governance
  • Gender
  • poverty
  • Indigenous Peoples & Local Communities

Your COP25 Dictionary: Making Sense of the Jargon

  • COP25
  • paris rulebook
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate change
  • international climate policy
  • COP25
  • paris rulebook
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate change
  • international climate policy

Chile’s Protests Offer Lessons on Social Inequality and Climate Action

  • Climate
  • COP25
  • Climate Equity
  • climate change
  • human rights
  • poverty
Protests in Santiago, Chile
  • Climate
  • COP25
  • Climate Equity
  • climate change
  • human rights
  • poverty

How Will the Paris Agreement's Global Stocktake Work?

  • COP25
  • paris rulebook
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate change
The base of the Eiffel Tower. Photo by Giorgos Vintzileos, Flickr
  • COP25
  • paris rulebook
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate change

To Fix City Slums, Don't Just Knock Them Down: Involve Residents in Upgrading Efforts

  • Cities
  • Towards a More Equal City
  • housing
  • poverty
  • public participation
View of one of the many informal settlements the city of Surabaya, Indonesia has upgraded since the 1960s with input and participation from residents. Photo by Peter Edelman.
  • Cities
  • Towards a More Equal City
  • housing
  • poverty
  • public participation

Closing Sub-Saharan Africa’s Electricity Access Gap: Why Cities Must Be Part of the Solution

  • Energy Access
  • Energy
  • electric grid
  • poverty
  • sustainable development goals
power line in Kenya
  • Energy Access
  • Energy
  • electric grid
  • poverty
  • sustainable development goals

Energy Access Explorer

kutch sunset.jpg

Why Does the Paris Climate Agreement Need a Rulebook? 7 Questions and Answers

  • paris rulebook
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate policy
  • international climate policy
UN officials at the COP24 climate negotiations in Poland
  • paris rulebook
  • Paris Agreement
  • climate policy
  • international climate policy

Q&A: One Woman Aims to Save Kids’ Lives by Redesigning the Roads They Walk

  • Urban Transformations
  • WRI Ross Center Prize for Cities
  • road safety
  • poverty
  • health
  • Health & Road Safety
Ayikai Charlotte Poswayo
  • Urban Transformations
  • WRI Ross Center Prize for Cities
  • road safety
  • poverty
  • health
  • Health & Road Safety