

Tracking Progress: Climate Action Under the Biden Administration

  • National Climate Action
  • Tracking Climate Action
  • Climate
  • carbon removal
  • climatewatch-pinned
President Joe Biden visits Flatirons Campus of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Arvada, Colorado.
  • National Climate Action
  • Tracking Climate Action
  • Climate
  • carbon removal
  • climatewatch-pinned
Technical Perspectives

When Non-state Actors Are Transparent About their Climate Actions, the Benefits Go Both Ways

  • Tracking Climate Action
  • corporate sustainability
  • climate policy
People on bicycles on a sunny street with palm trees and city buildings in the background.
  • Tracking Climate Action
  • corporate sustainability
  • climate policy

These Countries Are Adopting Electric Vehicles the Fastest

  • Tracking Climate Action
  • Climate
  • U.S. Climate Policy-Electric Vehicles
  • transportation
An electric car is charging on the side of a tree-lined road.
  • Tracking Climate Action
  • Climate
  • U.S. Climate Policy-Electric Vehicles
  • transportation

5 Shifts Needed to Decarbonize Industry

  • industry
  • Energy
  • energy efficiency
  • Tracking Climate Action
  • carbon capture and storage (CCS)
  • climatewatch-pinned
A family walks past an industrial harbor.
  • industry
  • Energy
  • energy efficiency
  • Tracking Climate Action
  • carbon capture and storage (CCS)
  • climatewatch-pinned

2 Years of Justice40: Integrating Environmental Justice into US Climate Policy

  • environmental justice
  • Equity & Governance
  • infrastructure
  • Energy
  • U.S. policy
  • Tracking Climate Action
  • U.S. Climate Policy-Equity
Smokestacks in the background of a neighborhood with rowhouses in Baltimore, MD
  • environmental justice
  • Equity & Governance
  • infrastructure
  • Energy
  • U.S. policy
  • Tracking Climate Action
  • U.S. Climate Policy-Equity

5 Reasons Cities Should Include Trees in Climate Action

  • GHG emissions
  • Forests
  • Climate
  • Tracking Climate Action
A landscape view of Jakarta, Indonesia with trees in the forefront and skyscrapers in the background
  • GHG emissions
  • Forests
  • Climate
  • Tracking Climate Action

Decoding Coral Reefs: Exploring Their Status, Risks and Ensuring Their Future

  • coral reefs
  • climate change
  • pollution
A vibrant coral reef with orange fish swimming along it.
  • coral reefs
  • climate change
  • pollution
  • Climate
  • International Climate Action
  • Tracking Climate Action

Climate Watch Slide Deck

  • Tracking Climate Action
  • Tracking Climate Action
  • Water Security
  • water risk
  • Water Security
  • Freshwater
  • water risk

6 Recent Signs of Hope for the Ocean

  • conservation
  • Sustainable Development Goal 14
  • coral reefs
  • biodiversity
  • Ocean
Coral reef at Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. Flickr/US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • conservation
  • Sustainable Development Goal 14
  • coral reefs
  • biodiversity
  • Ocean

Climate Watch


Consumer Goods Forum Commits to Halve Food Waste by 2025

  • corporate sustainability
  • Top Outcome: 2015
Two green trashbags filled with waste
  • corporate sustainability
  • Top Outcome: 2015

Datos Satelitales Recientes Resaltan 5 Áreas Soprendentes de Pérdida de Cobertura Arbórea

  • deforestation
  • coral reefs
  • data
  • Forests
  • global forest watch
Camión de madera en Camerún. Foto: Ollivier Girard/CIFOR/Flickr.
  • deforestation
  • coral reefs
  • data
  • Forests
  • global forest watch