Vinicius Pacheco Almeida
Finance and Investment Specialist, WRI Brasil

Vinicius Almeida is a Finance and Investment Specialist at WRI Brasil. He is part of the Forests, Land Use and Agriculture team, collaborates on projects related to the restoration of productive and assisted native vegetation, supports projects with socio-environmental impact business plans and accelerates forestry businesses.
Before joining WRI Brasil, Vinicius worked as an analyst at WWF-Brazil on green finance for the restoration of native vegetation, socio-biodiversity and carbon credit projects. He also worked at the International Institute for Sustainability (IIS-Rio) and the TEEB-RL project (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity-Regional and Local) in the development of environmental economic accounts.
Vinicius Almeida is an Economist from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and has a master's degree in economics and development from the Federal University of Santa Maria (PPGE&D-UFSM).