Colin Stief is a Group Product Manager in the Data Lab, setting the strategic vision, development, and execution of its geospatial product line. He contributes to the Global Forest Watch (GFW), Forest Watcher, MapBuilder, GFW Pro, Terra Match, Landmark and Aqueduct product teams.

Prior to joining WRI, Colin worked as a technical project manager and geospatial applications designer. At the mission-driven consulting firm Water Systems Optimization (WSO), he helped public water utilities reduce supply-side water losses with advanced data analysis and strategic planning. At the Chesapeake Conservancy, an environmental non-profit, he assisted in the creation of high-resolution land cover and hydrologic datasets as well as the development of several decision support tools.

Colin holds a Master of Environmental Management (MEM) from Duke University and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Geography from Miami University (OH).

Colin lives in San Diego, CA with his partner, Nikki. He enjoys being near the ocean, playing basketball, and dreaming of one day publishing a tabletop board game.