EMBARQ is now part of WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
Founded in 2002 by Lee Schipper with the help of Shell Foundation, EMBARQ was launched alongside the Center for Sustainable Transport in Mexico (CTS-México) to provide urban mobility solutions and improve quality of life. In 2014, EMBARQ became part of WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities.
Over 12+ years as part of WRI, EMBARQ helped make sustainable transport a reality in iconic cities through continuous on-the-ground presences in Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Turkey and the United States. Notable achievements included Mexico City's Metrobus bus rapid transit system, new cycling and bus rapid transit infrastructure in Turkey, and national sustainable transport policy in India.
EMBARQ's extensive sustainable urban mobility expertise and experience working in key cities helped lay the foundation for continued collaboration with local and national authorities, businesses and civil society. EMBARQ's work to reduce pollution, improve public health, and create safe, accessible and attractive urban mobility solutions continues through the work of WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities today.
Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship
Since 2013, EMBARQ and WRI have supported the Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship for Sustainable Transport and Energy Efficiency in honor of Lee Schipper (1947-2011), inspiring and shaping a generation of students and professionals in the fields of sustainable transport and energy efficiency. The scholarship supports young researchers and students in the pursuit of policy enrichment consistent with Lee Schipper’s contributions.
EMBARQ Publications
Note: EMBARQ publications have not been through WRI's peer-review process.
- Integrated Transport Indicators in India (January 2009)
- A Study on Para-Transit System in Indore City (May 2011)
- De Aquí para Allá: Una guía creativa para hacer del transporte público el modo preferido para transportarse (May 2011)
- From Here to There: A Creative Guide to Making Public Transport the Way to Go (May 2011)
- Traffic Safety on Bus Corridors: Pilot Version - Road Test (May 2012)
- Spanish: Seguridad vial en Corredores de Autobús
- Portuguese: Segurança Viária em Corredores de Ônibus
- Our Approach to Health and Road Safety (June 2012)
- Evaluate, Enable, Engage: Principles to Support Effective Decision Making in Mass Transit Investment Programs (October 2012)
- Exhaust Emissions of Transit Buses: Sustainable Urban Transportation Fuels and Vehicles (October 2012)
- Istanbul Public Spaces and Public Life: An Accessible City - A City for People (October 2013)
- Social, Environmental and Economic Impacts of BRT Systems (December 2013)
- Cities at Large: Helping Cities Make Sustainable Transport a Reality (January 2014)
- Integrating Health Benefits into Transportation Planning and Policy in India (April 2014)
- Motorized Two-Wheelers in Indian Cities (April 2014)
- Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Guide for Urban Communities (April 2014)
- Spanish: Guía DOTS para Comunidades Urbanas
- Chinese: 城市社区 TOD导则
- French: Guide De Dots Pour Les Communautés Urbaines
- Manual de Projetos e Programas para Incentivar o Uso de Bicicletas em Comunidades (May 2014)
- Istanbul Historic Peninsula Pedestrianization Project: Current State Assessment (June 2014)
- Turkish: İstanbul Tari̇hi̇ Yarimada Yayalaştirma Projesi̇
- Executive Summary, English: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Pedestrianization Projec
- Executive Summary, Turkish: İstanbul Tari̇hi̇ Yarimada Yayalaştirma Projesi̇
- GDV: Transport Demand Management (TDM) and Corporate Mobility (October 2014)
- Safe Access Manual: Safe Access to Mass Transit Stations in Indian Cities (February 2015)
- İstanbul’da Güvenli̇ Bi̇si̇klet Yollari Uygulama Kilavuzu (March 2015)
- Executive Summary, English: Safe Cycling Design Manual for Istanbul
- Assessment of the Air Quality Effects of Pedestrianization on Istanbul's Historic Peninsula (June 2015)
- Women's Safety in Public Transport: A Pilot Initiative of Bhopal (August 2015)