Allied for Climate Transformation By 2025 (ACT2025)
Through extensive consultations with strategic partners and key stakeholders, the ACT2025 consortium offers clarity on how to achieve ambitious outcomes at UN climate negotiations. The publications below lay out key areas where progress is essential to rebuild trust with vulnerable nations, foster international cooperation and chart a path toward greater global solidarity.
The G7 Have a Duty to Support Climate-Vulnerable Countries: An Open Letter from ACT2025
ACT2025’s Open Letter to the G7 urges leaders ahead of the G7 Leaders’ Summit, in June 2024, to address the climate crisis with immediate and bold action. Emphasizing G7 nations’ historical and ongoing responsibility for their significant contribution to climate change, the ACT2025 consortium calls for enhanced needs-based climate finance, commitment to stop exacerbating unsustainable debt, and the submission of ambitious and enhanced national climate plans that demonstrate solidarity with climate-vulnerable countries.
Climate-Vulnerable Countries’ Expectations Leading to COP29: A Call to Action from ACT2025
ACT2025’s Call to Action for COP29 lays out four areas where progress is essential to reach an ambitious and just outcome at the COP29 climate summit. It proposes a set of solutions and shows where action is possible, from setting an ambitious, needs-based new climate finance goal to following up on the Global Stocktake to advancing work on loss and damage funding arrangements.
Global Adaptation Action: Progress, Gaps, and What to Expect in 2024
Global adaptation action urgently needs to be accelerated in 2024 to ensure efforts are effective, equitable and meet the urgent needs of climate vulnerable countries. ACT2025’s paper examines the gaps and progress made since COP28 and serves as a comprehensive go-to-guide on adaptation inside and beyond the UN climate negotiations, outlining the essential steps that need to be taken in 2024 to reprioritize adaptation on the global agenda.
Addressing the Needs of Climate-Vulnerable Countries at COP28: A Call to Action from ACT2025
ACT2025’s Call to Action for COP28 sets clear expectations for a positive outcome that meets the needs of climate vulnerable countries. It proposes a set of solutions and shows where action is possible, from the $100 billion finance commitment and the global goal on adaptation to loss and damage funding arrangements, the new global goal on finance, equitably phasing out fossil fuels and more.
The Global Stocktake: A Reckoning for Leaders
COP28 will be home to the world’s first ever Global Stocktake, a unique opportunity to drive global climate action and increase cooperation on long-term climate goals. This paper examines the outcomes needed from the Global Stocktake to limit warming to 1.5˚ C and ensure climate-resilient development. It also explores how leaders should respond at COP28 and beyond.
COP27: Alliance Statement - Call for Enhanced Implementation
ACT2025’s Alliance Statement lays out five areas where progress is essential to reach an ambitious and just outcome at the COP27 climate summit. The statement offers clarity on how to achieve these ambitious outcomes and aims to elevate and amplify the needs and priorities of developing countries, charting a path toward greater global solidarity.
A Call for Greater Ambition with Concerted and Meaningful Action
This paper describes the three areas of urgent action that governments need to take at COP27 to bridge the mitigation gap to help limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. This includes countries updating their NDCs and long-term strategies in a credible, ambitious manner, in line with the scientific evidence provided by the IPCC that aligns short- and long-term policy goals with a 1.5°C pathway.
A Call for High-Quality, Scaled-Up Finance
This paper describes the two areas of urgent action that governments must take at COP27 to advance sufficient and adequate financial support to developing countries. This includes clear finance targets for mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage finance and for developed countries, especially the G7, to reach a total of $600 billion in climate finance from 2020-2025.
COP27: A Call for Enhanced Implementation of Adaptation Action
This paper proposes a set of recommendations for governments to shift from planning for to implementing adaptation measures. It is part of a series that supports the ACT2025 Call for Enhanced Implementation – a set of recommendations for COP27 that can help keep us on the path to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.
COP27: A Call for Enhanced Implementation of the Paris Rulebook
This paper describes the two areas of urgent action that governments much take at COP27 to advance sufficient and adequate financial support to developing countries — in particular, to those most vulnerable to climate impacts. This includes clear finance targets for mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage finance and for developed countries, especially the G7 (which is to provide the bulk of this finance), to reach a total of $600 billion in climate finance from 2020-2025.
COP27: A Call for Enhanced Implementation of Loss and Damage Action
This paper provides a brief history of the rise and fall of loss and damage in the UN climate negotiations and why addressing it this year at COP27 is a matter of urgency and justice. It is part of a series that supports the ACT2025 Call for Enhanced Implementation – a set of recommendations for COP27 that can help keep us on the path to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.
COP26: Alliance Statement and Call to Action
The ACT2025 Alliance Statement was released in September 2021 to coincide with the 76th UN General Assembly. The statement lays out key areas where progress is essential to rebuilding trust with vulnerable nations, fostering international cooperation, and reaching an ambitious and just outcome at COP26 in Glasgow.