P4G is accepting applications for partnerships working on climate mitigation or adaptation solutions in the areas of food, water and energy. Partnerships must comprise at least one early-stage business and one nonprofit partner implementing in one of P4G's ODA-eligible partner countries: Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Indonesia and Vietnam. Applicants must provide services or products in one of the following sub-sectors: climate-smart agriculture, food loss and waste, water resilience, zero emission mobility and renewable energy.

This is an opportunity for partnerships to receive average grant funding of US $350,000 and technical assistance to help the early-stage business become investment ready. Applications need to be submitted by Sunday, September 8, 2024, to be considered for Round 3 funding.

Join our informational webinar to learn about the eligibility criteria and application process. There will be time for questions at the end.

This webinar is free to attend. Please share this with those within your network who would be interested in this opportunity.

In preparation to this webinar please review the P4G Partnerships Fund Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions available at https://p4gpartnerships.org/p4g-call-partnership-applications.

The webinar will be in English.


  • Robyn McGuckin, Executive Director, P4G
  • Patricia Mijares, Partnerships Manager, P4G

Cover image by BIKI.