Launch of Landscape Restoration Guidebook for Planners and Practitioners
Across the world, nearly 25 percent of the total land area suffers from degradation. Restoring these lands with ecologically sustainable, socially inclusive, and economically feasible solutions can provide a wide range of benefits for ecosystems, people, and their priorities, including food security, biodiversity conservation, land degradation, conservation of natural resources, and enhanced local incomes and livelihoods. Recognizing this, several global and regional initiatives such as the Bonn Challenge and the New York Declaration on Forests, AFR100 in Africa and Initiative 20x20 in Latin America, have committed millions of hectares of land to restoration by 2030. For transforming these large-scale restoration commitments into project-level implementation requires clear pathways and tools and guidance.
World Resources Institute (WRI) is organizing a virtual webinar to launch the Guidebook titled ‘Step-by-Step Guide for Restoration Planners and Practitioners’ that presents a step-by-step process for planning and implementing a landscape approach to restoration projects. The Guidebook identifies five essential stages of restoration projects - Scope, Design, Finance, Implement, and Monitor - each outlined with key steps and a checklist to help planners and practitioners to track their progress and ensure that each topic has been taken into consideration before launching into a new project. These checklists can be adapted and implemented by planners and practitioners in a variety of ecosystems, including grasslands, pasturelands, farmlands, coastal zones, wetlands, and peatlands.
Join this virtual launch webinar to learn from a distinguished panel of experts how this Restoration Guidebook can effectively support restoration planners and practitioners.
Cover image by WRI India
Global Restoration Initiative
Visit ProjectWRI is partnering with governments, businesses, and communities around the world to restore millions of hectares of deforested and degraded land.
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