Synergies Between Restoration and Native Biodiversity in Latin America: Experiences, Approaches and a Roadmap to 2020
The restoration goals for 2020 will be achieved through a wide variety of interventions that include agroforestry, silvopastoral systems, mixed forest plantations, and the facilitation of natural processes. However, some key questions arise when thinking about biodiversity and ecosystem services in the restoration context: What is the role of native biodiversity in land restoration processes and how does it promote human welfare? What role does a socio-ecological restoration – that recognizes the intimate links between the health of people and their environment – play in the conservation of native biodiversity conservation and recovery of endangered species and habitats? What approaches, tools and funding sources are available for the implementation of such biodiverse restoration programs? How biodiversity can contribute to increase the income of local communities? How to reconcile environmental, social and economic objectives in restoration projects?
With the Workshop on Restoration and Biodiversity “Synergies between restoration and native biodiversity in Latin America: experiences, approaches and a roadmap to 2020” held in Lima on the 26th and 27th of April, Initiative 20x20 initiated a process to highlight the importance of these questions. The objective of the workshop was to improve understanding about how to incorporate biodiversity considerations into restoration programs, and start an exercise towards the definition of a framework for tracking the issue throughout the region. The workshop brought together more than 70 participants including 20x20 technical partners, government representatives, investors and promoters of restoration projects.
During the meeting, the adoption of Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) as a new framework to mainstream biodiversity considerations in Initiative 20x20 was proposed. Additionally, several participants proposed to create an advisory committee to guide the design and implementation of reforestation and restoration programs and investments with native species and a focus on biodiversity. Currently, an advisory committee being convened to support and guide on these fronts.
If you are interested in reading the meetings minutes and presentations and/or watching the entire meeting video recording, please contact Maria Franco Chuaire at
Global Restoration Initiative
Visit ProjectWRI is partnering with governments, businesses, and communities around the world to restore millions of hectares of deforested and degraded land.
Part of ForestsInitiative 20x20
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectA country-led effort to change the dynamics of land degradation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Part of Forest and Landscape Restoration