Climate Finance Series, COP 21
The Climate Finance Series at COP 21 will bring together a multitude of actors from different sectors and countries, providing an opportunity to showcase valuable experiences and lessons, strengthen dialogue, collaboration and coordination, and share the latest thinking and analysis related to climate change finance.
Themes discussed will include: the architecture of effective implementation of climate finance, the role of the local development banks, readiness for climate finance, transparency, scaling up climate finance, and engaging the private sector, among others.
Getting Ready for Climate Finance: A Practitioners Discussion
When: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 | 8:00 - 10:00 am
Where: Hotel AC Le Bourget
Description: Breakfast event (invitation only). WRI is organizing an informal discussion about climate readiness on December 2, 2015. The purpose of the discussion is to increase awareness of country experiences with climate finance readiness activities, identify challenges and gaps, and generate lessons that can inform developing countries and readiness providers going forward. Particular emphasis will be placed on how to build further collaboration and learning between national institutions in recipient countries.
Contacts: Niranjali Amerasinghe, Gaia Larsen
Event Resources: See attached flier
The Role of Local Development Banks in Climate Finance: Opportunities for the Future
When: Thursday, December 3, 2015 | 8:30 -10:00 am
Where: Hotel AC Le Bourget
Description: Breakfast event (space limited). An increasingly diverse set of players are taking action on climate change because of risks and opportunities it presents—among these, local development banks are critical actors. WRI will host a breakfast to discuss the role of local development banks in climate finance. The discussion will focus on how local development banks can ensure that their countries are on a low-carbon, climate-resilient development pathway – with an emphasis on concrete opportunities immediately following Paris.
Contact: Giulia Christianson
Event Resources: See attached flier
What Does Transformational Climate Finance Look Like? Lessons and Challenges for the GCF and Beyond
When: Saturday, December 5, 2015 | 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Where: Climate Generation Area, Room #7
Description: The panel discussion will center on ways climate finance can be used to catalyze the necessary transformational change to address the urgent challenge of climate change. WRI’s forthcoming paper, “Transformational Climate Finance: An Exploration of Low Carbon Energy,” analyzes 20 case studies where there have been varying levels of success in transformative deployment of clean energy, and recommendations from this paper can inform the discussion. Panelists will discuss what low carbon and climate resilient transformation can look like in a range of other sectors, including cities, transport and agriculture, and how climate finance is essential for the effective and transformational implementation of both the UNFCCC Paris Agreement and the Agenda of Solutions.
Contact: Michael Westphal
Event Resources: See attached flier
Paris Effectiveness – Implementing the Post-Paris 2015 Agenda
When: Saturday, December 5, 2015 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Where: Ardoise Gourmande Gare du Nord Restaurant
Description: Co-hosted dinner with ODI and CPI (invitation only) Co-organized with ODI and CPI, the discussion will be framed around our growing body of work on these issues: WRI’s research on climate finance, ODI’s work to understand the effectiveness of climate funds, CPI’s Landscape of Climate Finance 2015 and additional case studies analysing the effective use of public finance to scale up geothermal energy and of concentrated solar power as well as designing innovative climate finance instruments.
Contact: Athena Ballesteros
Mainstreaming Climate Action within Financial Institutions: Principles in Practice
When: Monday, December 7, 2015 | 7:30pm
Where: AC Hotel Le Bourget
Description: Dinner event (invitation only) co-hosted by IDB, AFD and ODI. Following the formal launch of the Mainstreaming Climate Action within Financial Institutions Initiative on December 7th, the IDB, together with AFD, WRI, and ODI, will convene financial institutions and experts for a facilitated dinner discussion to consider operational issues associated with implementing the Initiative’s principles. Participants will exchange insights on opportunities, challenges, and operational realities/implications of adopting the Principles. In the process, they will learn about a range of possible approaches for putting the Principles into practice.
Contacts: Athena Ballesteros, Giulia Christianson
Event Resources: See attached flier