WRI Events at UNFCCC COP21
Following are the main events that are being hosted by WRI’s staff and experts:
Built to Last: A Functional Agreement to Meet Global Needs (Green Zone Side Event)
When: Tuesday, December 1, 2015 | 11:00 am-12:30 pm
Where: Salle 1, UNFCCC Venue, Climate Generations Area, Le Bourget (Green Zone)
Description: The ACT 2015 consortium will share the findings of their research, analysis and consultations over the past two years. This presentation will highlight how a climate agreement that increases ambition over time can provide a solid foundation to address global needs and sustain long-term action.
Speakers: Manish Bapna (WRI), Jennifer Morgan (WRI), Antonio La Viña (Ateneo School of Government), Gilberto Arias (Energia), Sebastian Oberthür (Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Niklas Höhne (NewClimate Institute), TBD – Panelists from BSR & CAN
Contacts: Yamide Dagnet, David Waskow
Jump-starting Resilience in Urban Areas: Lessons from Cities to Accelerate Progress, hosted by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, co-hosted by UN Habitat and WRI (Official UNFCCC Side Event)
When: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 | 11:00 am-1:00 pm
Where: Dutch Pavilion, UNFCCC Venue, Le Bourget (Blue Zone, badge needed)
Description: This is a key event during COP21 dedicated to urban resilience. This session will facilitate an open discussion on innovative, transformative resilience solutions being driven by some of the world’s most dynamic cities and leading development and financial institutions; these groups are opening pathways to turn resilience plans into action and unlock new investment opportunities. The session will identify new opportunities for collaboration to address challenges confronting all societies, from Western Africa to Western Europe, to Southeast Asia to the Southern United States.
Speakers: Ani Dasgupta (WRI), Mayor Anne Hidalgo (Paris), Dominic Waughray (WEF), Ede Ijjasz-Vasquez (World Bank Group), Michael Berkowitz (100 Resilient Cities), Margareta Wahlstrom (UNISDR), Mario Pezzini (OECD), Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb (Rotterdam), Mayor Diriba Kuma (Addis Ababa)
Contact: Aniruddha Dasgupta
Scaling Up Adaptation Action: Opportunities for Knowledge Sharing from Local to Global (Green Zone Side Event)
When: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 | 3:15-4:45 pm
Where: Salle 10, UNFCCC Venue, Climate Generations Area, Le Bourget (Green Zone)
Description: This side event, co-hosted by WRI and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), will shed light on how to move adaptation projects from small-scale pilots to large-scale, transformative efforts. WRI experts will share lessons learned from work on scaling adaptation in India, and professionals from across the globe will discuss how to enhance South-South collaboration to further scale up adaptation.
Speakers: Cosmas Ochieng (ACTS, Kgenya), Macchi Mirjam (SDC, Switzerland), Nambi Appadurai (WRI), Anand Kumar (DA), David Jackson (UNCDF), Sanjay Vashist (CANSA), Fiona Percy (CARE)
Contacts: Nambi Appadurai, Namrata Ginoya, Moushumi Chaudhury
Better Cities in a New Climate Economy (Green Zone Side Event)
When: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 | 4:45-5:45 pm
Where: Agora Hall, TAP Cities & Regions Pavilion, UNFCCC Venue, Climate Generations Area, Le Bourget (Green Zone)
Description: With many major regions rapidly urbanizing in the context of a slowing global economy and rising inequality, the objective of this event is to share the results of the New Climate Economy’s work which underscores the important role that well planned urbanization can have on economic, social, and climate performance. The session will discuss the conclusions of NCE's work with the WRI President and CEO, Andrew Steer, who will be joined by a high-level panel of world leaders and experts.
Speakers: Andrew Steer (WRI), Aniruddha Dasgupta (WRI), Mayor Marcio Lacerda of Belo Horizonte, Naoko Ishii (CEO of GEF), Yvo de Boer (Director General, GGGI), Clay Nesler (Johnson Controls), Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb of Rotterdam (TBC)
Contact: Holger Dalkmann
China Pavilion Enterprise Day, hosted by Vanke Group, co-hosted by WRI (LPAA Side Event)
When: Thursday, December 3, 2015 | 8:30 am-12:00 pm
Where: China Pavilion, UNFCCC Venue, Le Bourget (Blue Zone, badge needed)
Description: This event will convene representatives from major domestic companies to discuss best practices for businesses to address climate change with international organizations, and explore cooperation opportunities in energy conservation, emission reduction and low-carbon energy technological development.
Speakers: Andrew Steer (WRI), Holger Dalkmann (WRI), Wee Kean Fong (WRI), Daizong Liu (WRI)
Contact: Jiayi Xu
Climate Finance Series: The Role of Local Development Banks in Climate Finance: Opportunities for the Future
When: Thursday, December 3, 2015 | 8:30-10:00 am
Where: Hotel AC, Le Bourget
Description: Breakfast event (space limited). An increasingly diverse set of players are taking action on climate change because of risks and opportunities it presents—among these, local development banks are critical actors. WRI will host a breakfast to discuss the role of local development banks in climate finance. The discussion will focus on how local development banks can ensure that their countries are on a low-carbon, climate-resilient development pathway – with an emphasis on concrete opportunities immediately following Paris.
Speaker: Manish Bapna
Contact: Giulia Christianson
Event Resources: See attached flier
Buildings Day: Towards a Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, co-hosted by WRI (LPAA Side Event)
When: Thursday, December 3, 2015 | 10:00 am-6:15 pm
Where: Innovations Gallery (Green Zone)
Description: The first "Buildings Day," to be held at COP21 on December 3rd 2015, provides an opportunity to launch an unprecedented alliance of organizations collectively committed to: (1) helping put the buildings and construction sector on the “below 2 degree C path,” (2) aligning existing initiatives, partnerships, commitments and programs to achieve greater scale and increase the pace of efficiency actions, (3) catalyzing stronger collaboration and targeting sectoral and cross-sectoral climate action and solutions for all.
Speakers: Andrew Steer (WRI) (TBC)
Contact: Jennifer Layke
Climate Summit for Local Leaders, hosted by Mayor Anne Hidalgo and Special Envoy Michael Bloomberg
When: Friday, December 4, 2015 | 8:00 am-6:30 pm
Where: Paris City Hall
Description: Major climate initiatives supported by local and subnational governments will be introduced and have a presence at the Summit. The meeting will also highlight and build on the efforts of the Compact of Mayors, a global coalition of mayors and city officials pledging to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions, enhance resilience to climate change, and track their progress transparently.
Representatives: Andrew Steer (WRI), Aniruddha Dasgupta (WRI), Benoit Lefevre (WRI), Holger Dalkmann (WRI), Sam Adams (WRI)
Contact: Holger Dalkmann
Launch of Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning (Official WRI Side Event)
When: Friday, December 4, 2015 | 10:00-11:00 amWhere: COP21 Venue, Climate Change Studio (Blue Zone, badge needed)
Description: UNFCCC Official Side Event.
Speakers: Manish Bapna (WRI), Joan Clos (Executive Director, UN-Habitat Settlements Program)
Contacts: Holger Dalkmann, Wee Kean Fong
Unlocking the Potential of INDCs, hosted with BMZ (Official WRI Side Event)
When: Friday, December 4, 2015 | 6:00-7:30 pm
Where: German Pavilion, UNFCCC Venue, Le Bourget (Blue Zone, badge needed)
Description: Discussion on options to build government and non-government sector capacity (including broader/institutional approaches) to enable climate action and INDC implementation
Speaker: David Waskow (WRI)
Contact: David Waskow
City Climate Finance Leadership Alliance State of City Climate Finance Report Launch (WRI Partner Event)
When: Friday, December 4, 2015 | 6:00-6:30 pmWhere: Paris City Hall
Description: This event will celebrate the launch of the CCFLA State of City Climate Finance Report in the presence of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
Speakers: Andrew Steer (WRI)
Contact: Holger Dalkmann
Cities and Local Governments Day: Pathways to Sustainable Mobility through Local, National, and Global Action, co-hosted by CTS EMBARQ Mexico
When: Saturday, December 5, 2015 | 11:30 am-1:00 pmWhere: UNFCCC Venue, Le Bourget, Room 5 (Blue Zone, badge needed)
Description: Shifting towards low-carbon mobility needs local, national and global action. International frameworks, national efficiency standards, taxation, improved public and non-motorized transport, electric mobility, and urban planning are some of the measures that enable this transition. Speakers will include policy advisors, practitioners and researchers working on public transport, electromobility, walking, cycling and urban mobility planning from Asia, Latin America and Europe.
Speakers: Holger Dalkmann (WRI), Mayor Miguel Mancera of Mexico City
Representatives: Benoit Lefevre (WRI), Julia Martinez (CTS EMBARQ Mexico)
Contact: Julia Martinez
District Energy and Buildings Efficiency – Cities Enabling Countries to Meet Their Climate Objectives, co-hosted by WRI
When: Saturday, December 5, 2015 | 1:15-2:45 pmWhere: OECD Pavilion (Blue Zone, badge needed)
Description: A bridge between the Buildings Day (Dec 3) and Energy Day (Dec 7) highlighting how improving energy efficiency in the heating, cooling and building sectors in the urban context can help cities and countries realize their sustainable development ambitions.
Speaker: Clay Nessler (Johnson Controls)
Representative: Jennifer Layke (WRI)
Contact: Jennifer Layke
Global Landscapes Forum: Launch of NCE’s Working Paper on Land-Use: Restoring and Protecting Agricultural and Forest Landscapes and Increasing Agricultural Productivity
When: Saturday, December 5, 2015 | 2:00-3:10 pmWhere: Global Landscapes Forum, Palais de Congres (Registration required)
Description: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala will give opening remarks about lessons learned from green investments and land-use related development programs in Africa, particularly on building bridges between the finance sector and sustainable development across landscapes.
Speaker: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Contacts: Nathalie Nathe, Helen Mountford, Ferzina Banaji
Climate Finance Series: What Does Transformational Climate Finance Look Like? Lessons & Challenges for the Green Climate Fund & Beyond (Green Zone Side Event)
When: Saturday, December 5, 2015 | 3:00-4:30 pm
Where: Salle 9, UNFCCC Venue, Climate Generations Area, Le Bourget (Green Zone)
Description: The panel discussion will center on ways climate finance can be used to catalyze the necessary transformational change to address the urgent challenge of climate change. WRI’s forthcoming paper, “Transformational Climate Finance: An Exploration of Low Carbon Energy,” analyzes 20 case studies where there have been varying levels of success in transformative deployment of clean energy, and recommendations from this paper can inform the discussion. Panelists will discuss what low carbon and climate resilient transformation can look like in a range of other sectors, including cities, transport and agriculture, and how climate finance is essential for the effective and transformational implementation of both the UNFCCC Paris Agreement and the Agenda of Solutions.
Speakers: Andrew Steer (WRI), Ubaldo Elizondo (CAF), Abyd Karlmali (Bank of America Merril Lynch), Charlotte Petri Gornitzka (SIDA)
Contacts: Athena Ronquillo-Ballesteros, Michael Westphal, Joe Thwaites
Event Resources: See attached flier
Global Landscapes Forum: Announcement of New Pledges to Initiative 20x20 (Official WRI Side Event)
When: Saturday, December 5, 2015 | 5:30-6:15 pmWhere: Global Landscapes Forum, Palais de Congres (Registration required)
Description: Since Initiative 20x20 launched at COP20 in Lima, Peru, over 21 million hectares and $675 million have been formally committed. Initiative 20x20 has already surpassed their goal, but this event include even more new commitments, partners and financial developments.
Speakers: Marcos Sossai, Secretary José A. Galdames (Honduras), Minister Gutierrez (Costa Rica), others TBC
Contacts: Walter Vergara, Sean DeWitt, Luciana Gallardo Lomeli
Transport Day, hosted by SLoCaT, WRI (LPAA Side Event)
When: Sunday, December 6, 2015 | 9:00 am-7:00 pmWhere: International Union of Railway Headquarter, 16 rue Jean Ray, 75015 Paris, France
Description: Partners include: Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT Partnership), Bridging the Gap Initiative (BtG Initiative), and the Michelin Challenge Bibendum (MCB). This event will be hosted by the International Union of Railway at their headquarters in Paris, France. The full day event will bring international experts on transport and climate change to discuss the contribution sustainable, low carbon transport can make to climate change discussions.
Speakers: Holger Dalkmann
Representatives: Mariette van Empel (WRI), Julia Martinez (CTS EMBARQ Mexico), Adriana Lobo (CTS EMBARQ Mexico), Benoit Lefevre (WRI)
Contact: Holger Dalkmann
Global Landscapes Forum: Initiative 20x20 and FAS Thematic Pavilion (WRI Side Event)
When: Sunday, December 6, 2015 | All dayWhere: Global Landscapes Forum, Palais de Congres (Registration required)
Description: This is a booth co-hosted by Initiative 20x20 and Fundação Amazonas Sustentável (FAS). It will include three activities throughout the day:
- Moderated discussion on how payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes can support the implementation of SDGs and thus secure local populations' rights and needs;
- Presentation of a set of monitoring tools to make forest conservation projects' outcomes available to a massive audience; and
- Presentation on how the REDD+ agenda could be moved forward at COP21.
Speakers: TBD
Contact: Walter Vergara
Global Landscapes Forum: Putting Pledges into Practice in Latin America – an Early Assessment of Initiative 20×20 from Science, Policy and Financial Perspectives (WRI Side Event)
When: Sunday, December 6, 2015 | 9:00-10:30 am
Where: Global Landscapes Forum, Palais des Congres (Registration required)
Description: Initiative 20x20’s launch at the 2014 Global Landscapes Forum showcased the countries’ ambitions and restoration plans, as well as the interest of private impact investors in restoration efforts across Latin America. This year the emphasis is implementation and actions on the ground. The event will showcase around eight projects in the region from private impact investors working with 20x20. The projects will highlight the diversity of approaches through which land restoration can be achieved and the unique features and benefits they are expected to deliver.
Speakers: Clement Chenost, Sylvain Goupille, Mamerto Valero, Kaspar Wansleben, Mike Parr, Troy Wiseman, Paul McMahon, Keith Alger, Jose Iturrios.
Contacts: Walter Vergara, Sean DeWitt, Luciana Gallardo Lomeli
Global Landscapes Forum: African Restoration Initiative (AFR100) Launch (WRI Side Event)
When: Sunday, December 6, 2015 | 9:00-11:00 am
Where: Global Landscapes Forum, Palais de Congres (Registration required)
Description: Launch of the African Restoration Initiative (AFR100), a continental initiative with the goal of bringing 100 million hectares of degraded and deforested land in Africa into restoration by 2030. Presentation of a package of political ambition, financial and technical support. The event will combined with the World Bank and the launch of their African Resilient Landscapes Initiative.
Speakers: Andrew Steer (WRI), Mamadou Diakhite (NEPAD Agency), Ibrahim Hassane Mayaki (NEPAD Agency), Gerd Müller (Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany)
Contact: Sean DeWitt
Global Landscapes Forum: Pixel Perfection for Carbon Detection: How Technologies and Communities Can Curb Global Emissions from Land-Use Change (WRI Side Event)
When: Sunday, December 6, 2015 | 11:30 am-1:00 pm
Where: Global Landscapes Forum, Palais de Congres (Registration required)
Description: “Pixel Perfection” will kick-start the discussion with the public introduction of Global Forest Watch Climate, an online platform that provides the best available data on carbon emissions from tropical deforestation. The platform allows users to start to ask questions about deforestation emissions, make comparisons, and get meaningful answers. Users can visualize and analyze the best available data on deforestation, forest carbon stocks, and carbon emissions; compare climate impacts across different areas of interest, use the data interactively in real time, and generate custom analytical content to support policy decisions.
Speakers: Nancy Harris (WRI), Abdon Nababan (AMAN), Tasso Azevedo (MapBiomass), Jackson Kimani (CCI), Matt Hansen (UMD), Frances Seymour (CGD)
Contacts: Nancy Harris, Sarah Mann
Global Landscapes Forum: High Level Session – Changing agricultural fiscal policies to stimulate sustainable economic growth, food production, and reduced deforestation, hosted by UNEP
When: Sunday, December 6, 2015 | 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Where: Global Landscapes Forum, Palais de Congres (Registration required)
Description: President Felipe Calderón will participate in a high level session of the Global Landscapes Forum, delivering NCE messages about the "triple-win" potential of better land use practices.
Speaker: President Felipe Calderón (Chair of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate)
Contacts: Nathalie Nathe, Helen Mountford
Energy Day (LPAA Side Event)
When: Monday, December 7, 2015 | 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Where: Room 10, Climate Generations Area, Le Bourget (Green Zone)
Description: A SE4All event. Launch of Building Efficiency Accelerator by Building efficiency team of WRI Cities. Announcement of “New Cities and New Corporate Partners” through Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction. Andrew Steer will be joining for remarks.
Speakers: Andrew Steer (WRI), Phillipe Benoit, Clay Nesler (Johnson Controls), Olaf Berlien (Osram), Máximo Pacheco (Minister of Energy, Chile), Bruno Berthon (Accenture)
Contact: Jennifer Layke
Sustainable Land Use in Brazil, co-hosted by WRI Brasil
When: Monday, December 7, 2015 | 4:00-7:00 pm
Where: Maison de l’Amérique Latine, 217 Boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris
Description: New practices and investments opportunities for a better future.
Speakers: Aurelio Padovezi (WRI Brasil), Elizabeth Farina (UNICA), Francisco Beduschi (GTPS), Gustavo Junqueira (SRB), Marcello Brito (ABAG), Pedro Taques (governor of the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil), Roberto Waack (Amata), Thomas Heller (Climate Policy Intiative)
Contact: Mariana Oliveira
International New York Times Energy For Tomorrow Conference, featuring NCE speakers
When: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 | 7:30 am-7:30 pm and Wednesday, December 9, 2015 | 7:30 am-1:00 pm
Where: Hotel Potocki
Description: The Energy For Tomorrow Conference brings together CEOs, policymakers, energy entrepreneurs, and leading academics to uncover the technologies, strategies and investments that will drive success in the new low-carbon economy.
Speakers: President Felipe Calderón (chair of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate) and Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Paul Polman, Nicholas Stern and Angel Gurría (Global Commissioners)
Contacts: Nathalie Nathe, Helen Mountford
Adapting from the Ground Up: A New Perspective on Private Sector Engagement in Resilience, co-hosted with UNDP (Green Zone Side Event)
When: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 | 11:15 am-12:45 pm
Where: Rio Pavilion, Climate Generations Area, Le Bourget (Green Zone)
Description: At this high-level event at COP21 in Paris, WRI and UNDP are launching the report Adapting from the Ground Up: Enabling Small Businesses in Developing Countries to Adapt to Climate Change. The report gives a new perspective on the role of the private sector in climate change adaptation. It highlights small businesses as a key player in building resilience in at the community level, sharing stories that show how micro and small enterprises can enable communities around the world to build resilience. By attending the event, international finance providers, national government officials, and business representatives will learn how to engage micro and small businesses in adaptation efforts throughout the developing world.
Speakers: Andrew Steer (WRI), Helen Clark (UNDP), Pa Ousman Jarju (Minister of Environment, Climate Change, Forestry, Water and Wildlife, The Gambia), Tin Ponlok (Secretary General, National Council for Sustainable Development, Cambodia), Theo de Jager (President, Pan African Farmers’ Organization), Robert Rutaagi (Chairperson, Uganda National Meteorological Authority), Francine Stevens (Director of Innovation, Vodafone Global Enterprises)
Contact: Ben Soltoff
The Global Calculator: How to Build a Low-Carbon Future (WRI Partner Event with DECC)
When: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 | 3:00-4:50 pm
Where: Grand Palais, TBD
Description: DECC will give a demonstration of the Global Calculator. A panel of business and community leaders will test out the options and examine the opportunities using the Global Calculator, an interactive model of the world’s energy, land and food systems.
Representatives: Erin Cooper (WRI), Benoit Lefevre (WRI)
Contacts: Erin Cooper, Angela Enriquez
Sustainable Innovation Forum Closing Plenary “If You Can’t Measure it Then You Can’t Manage It: Tracking Meaningful Improvement”
When: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 | 4:10-5:10 pm
Where: Stade de France, Avenue Jules Rimet, 93216 Saint-Denis
Description: A panel discussion to end UNEP’s annual Sustainable Innovation Forum focusing on the importance and innovations taking place in monitoring low-carbon commitments in the context of the low carbon transformation.
Speakers: Andrew Steer (WRI), David Nussbaum, Chief Executive Officer and Chair, Global Climate Change Initiative WWF, UK; Teresa C. Fogelberg, Deputy Chief Executive, Global Reporting Initiative; Dexter Galvin, Global Head of Supply Chains, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP); Joan MacNaughton, Executive Chair, World Energy Trilemma; Philippe Joubert, Former Chief Executive Officer, Alstom; Chair, Prince of Wales's Corporate Leaders Group (Moderator)
Contact: Molly McGregor
Note: only those registered with the Sustainable Innovation Forum may attend.
Growth, the Driver of Climate Change Action, hosted by Brookings and CPI, featuring NCE speakers
When: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 | 4:45-6:15 pm
Where: COP 21 Venue, Room 1 (Blue Zone, badge needed)
Description: Co-hosted by Brookings and CPI, this event will focus on infrastructure investment and more efficient land use, and how these actions can support both growth and climate change activities. This side event will tie into NCE’s Better Finance work in 2016.
Speakers: President Felipe Calderón (Chair of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate) and Nicholas Stern (Co-chair of the Commission)
Contacts: Nathalie Nathe, Helen Mountford
Tracking, Implementing, and Ramping Up Transformative Climate Action Post-Paris with the German Development Institute and German Advisory Council on Climate Change (UNFCCC Official Side Event)
When: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 | 4:45-6:15 pm
Where: Room 2, UNFCCC Venue, Le Bourget (Blue Zone, badge needed)
Description: Transformative climate action has to be taken at all levels with a range of actors contributing towards decarbonization & climate resilience. The panel will discuss this multi-faceted responsibility, from the subnational, esp. cities, to national & international levels, incl. both public & private actors.
Speakers: John Schellnhuber (WBGU and PIK), Dirk Messner (DIE and WBGU), David Waskow (WRI), Manish Bapna (WRI)
Contact: David Waskow
From Source to Sink: Mobilizing public policies and private investments for forest restoration and reforestation in Brazil (Brazilian Embassy Side Event)
When: Wednesday, December 9, 2015 | 2:30-5:30 pm
Where: Brazilian Embassy, Paris. 34 Cours Albert 1er, 75008 Paris 08, France
Description: Brazil’s INDC puts restoration and reforestation at the core of its policies on climate change. The challenge then for Brazil is to promote the right combination of well-functioning policies, markets, and incentives to boost restoration and reforestation. A panel discussion convened by the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment will explore how to design the economics of forest restoration in Brazil, regulatory frameworks, the evaluation of mainstream co-benefits, and the risk and return profiles necessary to attract mainstream finance.
Speakers: Andrew Steer (WRI); Izabella Teixeira, Brazilian Minister of the Environment; Carlos A. Klink, Brazilian Ministry of the Environment; Celina Carpi, Ethos Institute; Marina Grossi, CEBDS; Tom Heller, Climate Policy Initiative; Gustavo Junqueira, Brazilian Rural Society & the Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture; Nigel Topping, CDP & We Mean Business; Fabio Scarano, FBDS
Contact: Rachel Biderman
Building the Urban Future: Climate-Friendly, Energy-Smart, and Liveable (UNFCCC Official Side Event)
When: Thursday, December 10, 2015 | 2:00-4:00 pm
Location: German Pavilion, Hall 2B, Space 51, Le Bourget (Blue Zone, badge needed)
Description: This side event highlights options for climate-friendly, resource-efficient urban development solutions, focusing especially on the housing and energy sector. It aims at presenting and discussing policies and practices which provide for decoupling urban growth from energy use and GHG emissions. By involving both national and subnational actors, this side event facilitates their dialogue and helps to enhance multi-level climate and energy governance.
Speaker: Benoit Lefevre (WRI)
Contact: Benoit Lefevre
Implementing Paris Agreement: Innovation of Development Paths
When: Thursday, December 10, 2015 | 1:00-3:00 pm
Where: China Pavilion, Room TBD
Description: An event convened by Minister Xie Zhenhua, China Special Representative of Climate Change Affairs and Head of China Delegation, will bring representatives from leading thing tanks to discuss key elements and drivers of a long term vision and development paths with a view to innovatively build up a low carbon world in the future.
Speakers: Andrew Steer, Li Jenfeng, Director General of NCSC; H.E. Xie Zhenhua (China’s Special Representative on Climate Change); Nicholas Stern (Chair of the Grantham Research Institute of LSC) TBC; Zou Ji (Deputy-Director General of NCSC); Teresa Ribera (Director of IDDRI) –TBC; Meena Raman, The Third World Network – TBC; Priyadarshi R. Shukla (Professor of Indian Institute of Management) –TBC; Robert Stavins (Professor of Harvard Kennedy School)
Contact: Jiayi Xu
The Global Calculator: Vision of 2 Degree Future (WRI Partner Event with DECC)
When: Friday, December 11, 2015 | 12:30 pm
Where: The Luxembourg Room, EU Pavilion, Hall 2B, Le Bourget (Blue Zone, badge needed)
Description: How should the world decarbonize to prevent dangerous climate change? Different organizations will present their visions of a low-carbon future using the Global Calculator, a free online tool. This is an interactive session, with a chance to test out your own ideas and debate with the experts.
Speakers: Benoit Lefevre (WRI)
Contact: Erin Cooper
Global Forest Watch Climate: Experimentation Lab (Green Zone Side Event)
When: Friday, December 11, 2015 | 3:00-4:30 pm
Where: UNFCCC Venue, Climate Generations Area, Le Bourget (Green Zone)
Description: Global Forest Watch Climate is a global service provider of independent, credible and timely forest carbon information. This event will allow users to engage with the website and gain insights from forest carbon data in real time.
Speakers: Audience interaction
Contact: James Anderson