Air Quality
Advancing data-driven solutions for cleaner air, better health and a more stable climate
Air pollution is the world’s number one environmental health risk, linked to up to 7 million deaths every year. But the impacts of worsening air pollution extend beyond human health, affecting climate change, the water cycle, energy and food production. The sources and causes of air pollution are complex, varying between places, across seasons and over time.
WRI works to shift the conversation toward the causes of air pollution and what can be done about it. We are unraveling the air pollution knot to better understand and address source emissions and other factors that worsen pollution.
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Our strategy combines sound evidence with political strategy to move from awareness to effective action. Scientists are generating evidence that is striking, but unevenly distributed and disconnected from the narratives that move politics and sustain pressure for action at the local level.
A strong, action-oriented evidence base with specific focus on source awareness is critical to combatting air pollution, as is building coalitions of public, private and civil society organizations. Doing so will make the problem more salient, helping groups see and organize around common causes, directing effort to the right places and allowing courts and regulators to function.
Through source attribution, focused coalition building and root cause analysis with key partners, WRI is generating new scientific findings and creating a practical, field-tested playbook for delivering and sustaining cleaner air.
Cover Image by: Clique Pictures
Air Quality Projects
CanAIRy Alert
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectSupporting air quality managers to develop air pollution forecasting tools and better understand its sources, including representatives from Latin American and African cities sharing best practices, successful tools, and management case studies from cities around the world.
Part of CitiesClean Air Catalyst
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectA global partnership for accelerating clean air and climate solutions
Part of Air QualityResource Watch
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectResource Watch provides trusted and timely data for a sustainable future.
Part of ClimateCityAQ
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectA program to pilot different methods of combining local data with global scientific products and models to develop city-scale air quality analytics.
Part of Cities
Air Quality Insights
For Students with Disabilities, Electric School Buses Could Transform the School Commute
Insights July 23, 2024