Experts & Staff

WRI brings together nearly 1,900 staff and experts who are leaders in their fields. Their work spans topics such as food and land use, energy, cities, economics, finance, governance and more. Our staff and researchers work globally and in 12 focus countries to meet people’s essential needs, to protect and restore nature, and to stabilize the climate and build resilient communities.

Contact our media team to arrange an interview with any of our experts.

1374 Featured Experts

Program Experts & Staff

Lídia Duarte

Research Analyst

Lidia Duarte

Bill Dugan

Creative Director

Alex Dumont

Electric Vehicle Technical Assistance Intern, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Alex Dumont.

Lucia Duran Aguado

Operations Coordinator, WRI Europe

Juliana Duran Prieto

Environmental Specialist, WRI Colombia

Juliana Duran Prieto

Carlos Durigan

Public Policies Specialist

Carlos Durigan

Esthelyne Dusabe

Project Specialist, Urban Mobility, WRI Africa Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Esthelyne Dusabe profile photo

Nina M. Dutra

Senior Operations & Special Projects Manager, Research, Data & Innovation

Nina Dutra

Sandeep Dutta

Global Operations Manager

Sandeep Dutta

Maria Dye

Electric Vehicle Industry Intern

Maria Dye.

Alexandra Eastham

Project Specialist, Regen10, Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU)

Alexandra Eastham.

Juliana Echeverri Marin

Associate for Technical Assistance & Capacity Building for the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People

Juliana Echeverri.

Christopher M. Ede-Calton

Senior Engagement Manager, Land & Carbon Lab

Christopher M. Ede-Calton

Assefa Edessa

Grants and Finance Specialist

Assefa Edessa

Siba El-Samra

Urban Mobility Associate, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Siba El Samra.

Jenna Ellingson

Grants and Finance Associate

Jenna Ellingson

Cynthia Elliott

Senior Associate, Climate Policy

Beth Elliott

Communications and Engagement Lead, Air Quality, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Beth Elliott

Amber Ellison

Major Gift Officer

Amber Ellison

Natalie Elwell

Director, Gender Equity Practice in the Equity, Poverty and Governance Center

Ruth Engel

Environmental Health and Extreme Heat Data Scientist, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Ruth Engel.

Meredith Epstein

Senior Manager of Federal Policy for Electric Transportation

Meredith Epstein.

Jessica Ertel

Data Scientist, Global Restoration Initiative

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Elena Esipova

Satellite Data Analyst

Elena Esipova

Rohit Eswar

Training and Development Coordinator, WRI India

Rachel Evans

Development Associate, Climate and Economics Programs

Rachel Evans

Henrique Evers

Urban Development Manager, WRI Brasil Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Henrique Evers

Sylvana Isabel Bohrt Exeni

Clean Energy Associate, International

Sylvana Bohrt

Daniela Facchini

Director, Global Operations and Program Management, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Dimas Nu'man Fadhil

Urban Development Senior Program Lead, WRI Indonesia

Dimas Fadhil.

Muis Fajar

Social Forestry and Customary Forest Project Lead, WRI Indonesia

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Rahmatul Fajra

Procurement Officer

Rahmatul Fajra

Catyana RS Falsetti

Learning and Knowledge Exchange Manager, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Catyana Falsetti

Xiaoyu Fan

Research Analyst, Food and Natural Resources Program, WRI China

Xiaoyu Fan

Li Fang

Country Director, WRI China

Li Fang

Florença Fantinel

UX/UI Designer, Data Lab

Florenca Fantinel

Kevin Faragher

Senior Operations Manager, Land & Carbon Lab

Kevin Faragher

Ifrah Farah

Grants & Finance Coordinator, New Climate Economy, WRI Africa

Ifrah Farah

Beakal Fasil

Communications and Engagement Specialist, The New Climate Economy, WRI Africa

Beakal Fasil

Elmas Fatma

Front Desk Officer, WRI Turkey

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