Experts & Staff

WRI brings together nearly 1,900 staff and experts who are leaders in their fields. Their work spans topics such as food and land use, energy, cities, economics, finance, governance and more. Our staff and researchers work globally and in 12 focus countries to meet people’s essential needs, to protect and restore nature, and to stabilize the climate and build resilient communities.

Contact our media team to arrange an interview with any of our experts.

1355 Featured Experts

Program Experts & Staff

Meltem Bayraktar

Senior Program Manager, Urban Efficiency & Climate, WRI Türkiye

Catherine Beal

Research Analyst, Climate Resilience Practice

Catherine Beal

Ana Beatriz

Senior Research Analyst, WRI Brasil

Ana Beatriz.

Skylar Bee

Climate Finance Specialist, Knowledge and Learning, NDC Partnership

Skylar Bee

Mirza Firoz Beg

Head, Equity & Poverty, CEO's Office, WRI India

Mirza Firoz Beg.

Lily Begg

Latin American and Africa Coordinator, FOLU

Lily Begg.

Meg Beiter

Development Operations Manager

Angela Bekkers

Head of Communications, WRI Europe

Angela Bekkers

Abiyot Dagne Belay

Lead, Climate Policy and Research, WRI Africa

Abiyot Dagne Belay.

Sarah Bell

Development Specialist, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

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Anne-Marie Belley

Executive Assistant to the MD for Programs and MD for Strategy

Anne-Marie Belley.

Rodrigo Bellezoni

Project Coordinator, Supply Chains, WRI Brasil

Retrato Bellezoni.

Anika Berger

Research Analyst, Global Forest Watch

Irene Berman-Vaporis

Head of Communications, Systems Change Lab and Climate Watch

Irene Berman-Vaporis

Lelde Bernharde

Development Manager, Government and Multilateral Relations

Lelde Bernharde.

Kristin Berry

Knowledge and Learning Intern, NDC Partnership

Kristin Berry.

Luana Betti

Manager of Climate Socioeconomics and Finance, WRI Brasil

Luana Betti.

Lisa Beyer

Senior Manager, Nature for Urban Resilience

Lisa Beyer

Pankaj Bhatia

Director of GHG Protocol

Jake Billhorn

Financial Analysis Intern, Natural Infrastructure Initiative

Jake Billhorn

Baret Binatlı

Built Environment Manager, Urban Efficiency & Climate, WRI Türkiye

Baret Binatlı

Jamie Bindon

Enhancement Knowledge Specialist, NDC Partnership

Jamie Bindon profile photo

Lori Bird

Director, US Energy Program

Lori Bird

Clare Blackwell

Research Analyst, Deep Dive Initiative Global Lead

Clare Blackwell

Steven Bland

Chief of Party, Clean Air Catalyst, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Steven Bland.

Cynthia Blank

Urban Mobility Analyst, WRI Brasil Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Cynthia Blank.

Stacy Blondin

Behavioral Science Associate

Cristina Bodas

Communications Manager, WRI Brasil

Cristina Bodas.

Sophie Boehm

Senior Research Associate, Systems Change Lab

Tatiana Bogdanova

Product Specialist, Global Forest Watch, Data Lab

Tatiana Bogdanova

Stephanie Borcea

Small Grants Fund Specialist, Global Forest Watch

Stephanie Borcea

Anne Bordier

Director of Food Initiatives

Anne Bordier

Alejandra Bosch

Land Sector Associate, Greenhouse Gas Protocol, WRI México

Alejandra Bosch.

Mary Boyle

Development Manager, Government and Multilateral Relations

Mary Boyle.

Carter Brandon

Senior Fellow

John Brandt

Data Science Associate II

John Brandt

Tom Bremerkamp

Lead Designer, Restore Local

Tom Bremerkamp

Clare Brennan

Senior Operations and Engagement Manager

Ondine Brent Eysseric

Executive Administrative Manager, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

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Benjamin Bressette

Equity Framework Intern, Electric School Bus Initiative

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