Experts & Staff

WRI brings together nearly 1,900 staff and experts who are leaders in their fields. Their work spans topics such as food and land use, energy, cities, economics, finance, governance and more. Our staff and researchers work globally and in 12 focus countries to meet people’s essential needs, to protect and restore nature, and to stabilize the climate and build resilient communities.

Contact our media team to arrange an interview with any of our experts.

211 Featured Experts

Program Experts & Staff

Teresa Schofield

Product Manager, Global Forest Watch, Data Lab

Ana Reboredo Segovia

Research Associate, Land & Carbon Lab

Ana Reboredo Segovia.

Yigremachew Seyoum Lemma

Research Associate II

Yigremachew Seyoum Lemma.

Claire Shapiro

Product Specialist, TerraMatch

Claire Shapiro.

Chloe Shauck

Grants & Finance Associate, Supply Chains

Chloe Shauck

John Shema

Grants And Contracts Associate

John Shema

Michelle Sims

GIS Research Associate, Global Forest Watch

Michelle Sims

Noel Smyth

Head of Product, Data Lab

Noel Smyth

Virginia Snyder

Research Assistant, Global Restoration Initiative

Virginia Snyder.

Hannah Sommers-Thaler

Senior Product Manager, Data Lab

Hannah Sommers-Thaler

Martin Sommerschuh

Engagement Manager, Land & Carbon Lab

Martin Sommerschuh.

Justine Spore

GIS Research Associate I

Justine Spore.

Nienke Stam

Director Restoration Finance & Capacity

Nienke Stam

Yulia Stange

Director, Nature Crime Alliance

Yulia Stange

Radost Stanimirova

GIS Research Associate

Radost Stanimirova.

Silviya Stanton

Grants and Finance Specialist II

Silviya Stanton.

Taryn Staples

Manager of Global Operations, FFWO

Benjamin Steiger

Data Science Associate, Global Restoration Initiative

Benjamin Steiger.

Neil Stein

Research and Engagement Associate, TerraFund

Neil Stein

Colin Stief

Group Product Manager

Jerin Tan

Digital Communications Manager, Global Restoration Initiative

Jerin Tan.

Stephanie Tan

Communications Manager, Supply Chains, Land and Forests

Stephanie Tan

Rod Taylor

Global Director, Forests

Rod Taylor.

Sofia Tenorio Fenton

Engagement Specialist, Supply Chains

Sofia Tenorio Fenton.

Justin Terry

Senior Data Engineer, Data Lab

Justin Terry

Kaitlyn Thayer

Communications Manager, Global Forest Watch

Kaitlyn Thayer

Eduarda Thurler

Finance and Investment Coordinator, WRI Brasil

Eduarda Thurler.

Karen Truluck

Project Manager, Priceless Planet Coalition

Karen Truluck.

Assumpta Uzamukunda

Rwanda Restoration Research Associate

Assumpta Uzamukunda.

Wessel van Eeden

Strategic Communications Manager, Restore Local

Wessel van Eeden.

Laura Vary

Chief of Party, USAID Forest Data Partnership

Lucas Vasconcelos Vieira

Data Science Analyst

Lucas Vasconcelos Vieira

Richard Waite

Director for Agriculture Initiatives, Food, Land, and Water Program

James Warburton

Monitoring, Evaluation, & Learning Coordinator

James Warburton

Javier Warman

Forests Director, WRI Mexico

Jessica Webb

Strategy Lead, Forests and Nature for People

Jessica Webb.

Arief Wijaya

Managing Director, WRI Indonesia

Arief Wijaya.

Shannon Williams

Grants and Finance Associate, Global Restoration Initiative

Shannon Williams

Lucienne Wilmé

National Coordinator, Madagascar Program

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Chelsea Wilson

Program Manager, Global Forest Watch Pro

Chelsea Wilson