Experts & Staff
WRI brings together nearly 1,900 staff and experts who are leaders in their fields. Their work spans topics such as food and land use, energy, cities, economics, finance, governance and more. Our staff and researchers work globally and in 12 focus countries to meet people’s essential needs, to protect and restore nature, and to stabilize the climate and build resilient communities. Contact our media team to arrange an interview with any of our experts.
Program Experts & Staff
Héctor Miguel Donado
Research and Project Manager

Bridgit Donnelly
Data Infrastructure Product Manager, Data Lab

Lucia Duran Aguado
Operations Coordinator, WRI Europe

Alexandra Eastham
Project Specialist, Regen10, Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU)

Florença Fantinel
UX/UI Designer, Data Lab
Luke Foddy
Communications Manager, Nature Crime Alliance

Abigail Frankfort
Project Manager, Blue Food

Sarah George
Global Communications and Media Manager, Energy

Despina Gkotsidou
Program Assistant, Data Lab Product Studio

Mrunmayee Godbole
Global Operations Manager

Eleanor Good
HR Officer, WRI Europe

Liz Goodwin
Senior Fellow and Director, Food Loss and Waste

Alexandre Grassigny
Project Coordinator Outreach, NDC Partnership

Waqaas Gulzar
Help Desk Support Analyst II, User Experience Lead UI/UX

Catlyne Haddaoui
Senior Associate, Just Transition

Edwina Hughes
Head of partnerships and engagement, Food Initiatives

Jessica Immelman
Customer Success Manager, Global Forest Watch Pro

Max Jamieson
Global Lead, Integrated Climate Action, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Catherine Jarman
Impact and Reporting Manager, Food and Land Use Coalition

Henrieke Jonker
WRI Europe Liaison

Jubril Juma
Senior Product Manager, TerraMatch

Jessica Kempner
Gender and Equity Lead, Clean Air Catalyst, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Micheline Khan
Program Associate, Ocean Program

Yuke Kirana
Research Analyst II, Systems Change Lab

Liz Kirk
Director, Knowledge Generation and Engagement (FOLU)

Adriana Kocornik-Mina
Senior Urban and Regional Economist, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Marianne Lee
Planning, Adapting and Learning Associate

Alex Lee-Emery
Researcher, Our Ocean Conference

Clarissa Lehne
Country Engagement Partner Manager, NDC Partnership

Joaquim Leite
Senior Country Engagement Specialist, NDC Partnership

Caroline Lesser
Senior Director, Government and Multilateral Relations

Mark Little
Lead, Food Loss and Waste Initiatives

Santiago Londoño
Strategic Coordinator for Europe Executive Office

Deirdre Lynn
Operations Director, WRI Europe

John Lyons
Senior Communications Manager, Ocean Program

Daria Mahan
Communications Assistant, Nature Crime Alliance

Chaandi Malhotra
Project Coordinator, Integrated Climate Action, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Courtney Nina McLaren
Equity Economist, Global Centre of Economics, WRI Europe

Frances Molesworth
Communications Manager, Climate Program

Sophie Mongalvy
Communications Director, Food and Land Use Coalition