Experts & Staff

WRI brings together nearly 1,900 staff and experts who are leaders in their fields. Their work spans topics such as food and land use, energy, cities, economics, finance, governance and more. Our staff and researchers work globally and in 12 focus countries to meet people’s essential needs, to protect and restore nature, and to stabilize the climate and build resilient communities.

Contact our media team to arrange an interview with any of our experts.

121 Featured Experts

Global Executive Team

Global Executive Team

Stientje van Veldhoven

Vice President and Regional Director for Europe

Stientje van Veldhoven

Program Experts & Staff

Teite Adukeh

Digital Communications and Marketing Specialist, Ocean Program

Teite Adukeh

Attia Ansari

HR Officer

Attia Ansari

Jenny Arthur

Head of Coolfood Membership Development

Jenny Arthur

Olga Artsiukh

Operations Manager, Global Food and Land-Use Coalition, WRI Europe

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Oliver Ashford

Program Associate, Ocean Program

Oliver Ashford.

Arooj Asif

Executive Assistant, Managing Director for Global Delivery

Arooj Asif

Becky Atkins

Global Network Lead, Data Lab

Courtnae Bailey

Associate, Adaptation Finance

Courtnae Bailey

Jon Baines

Research Associate, Sustainable Ocean Economies

Jon Baines

Jonathan Baines

Ocean Data Manager, Sustainable Ocean Initiative

Andreea Balan

Talent Acquisition Manager, WRI Europe

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Tsvetilena Bandakova

Program Manager, Nature Crime Alliance

Tsvetilena Bandakova

Pandora Batra

Strategic Engagement Senior Manager, Climate Program / WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Lily Begg

Latin American and Africa Coordinator, FOLU

Lily Begg.

Angela Bekkers

Head of Communications, WRI Europe

Angela Bekkers

Lelde Bernharde

Development Manager, Government and Multilateral Relations

Lelde Bernharde.

Steven Bland

Chief of Party, Clean Air Catalyst, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Steven Bland.

Anne Bordier

Director of Food Initiatives

Anne Bordier

Tom Bremerkamp

Lead Designer, Restore Local

Tom Bremerkamp

Clare Brennan

Senior Operations and Engagement Manager

Ondine Brent Eysseric

Executive Administrative Manager, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

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Gabriela Brooks

Grants & Finance Specialist, FOLU

Gabriela Brooks.

Emer Byrne

Senior Talent Acquisition Associate

Emer Byrne

Sarah Carter

Research Associate

Sarah Carter.

Daria Castro

Executive Assistant to the Chief People Officer

Daria Castro.

Imane Chafiq

Senior Country Engagement Specialist

Imane Chafiq

Shabana Charaniya

Fundraising Manager, Food and Water Programme

Shabana Charaniya

Deirdre Cogan

Deputy Director of Communications, Climate, Economics and Finance Program

Deirdre Cogan

Micaela Cole

Partnerships and Coalition Coordinator, Food and Land Use Coalition

Micaela Cole.

Juliana Costa

Social Media and Digital Marketing Associate

Juliana Costa.

Rebecca Coyle

Employee Relations Advisor

Rebecca Coyle

Aline D'Ormesson

Senior Development Manager, FOLU

Aline D'Ormesson.

Edward Davey

Head, World Resources Institute Europe UK Office; Senior Advisor, Food and Land Use Coalition; Advisor, New Economy for the Amazon and Congo Basin

Edward Davey

Caroline de Bruin

Senior Development Manager, Government and Multilateral Relations

Caroline de Bruin.

Gerwin De Roy

Events Manager

Gerwin De Roy

Janneke de Vries

Head of The Hague regional office and Director of European Partnerships

Janneke de Vries

Kiranjeet Dhillon

Executive Assistant, Heads of the London and Hague Offices

Kiranjeet Dhillon

Helen Ding

Senior Economist

Amy Dobbs

WRI Europe Operations Manager