Experts & Staff

WRI brings together nearly 1,900 staff and experts who are leaders in their fields. Their work spans topics such as food and land use, energy, cities, economics, finance, governance and more. Our staff and researchers work globally and in 12 focus countries to meet people’s essential needs, to protect and restore nature, and to stabilize the climate and build resilient communities.

Contact our media team to arrange an interview with any of our experts.

110 Featured Experts

Program Experts & Staff

Maxwel Ngochi Manga

Finance and Operation Specialist, Congo Basin, WRI Africa

Maxwel Ngochi Manga.

Marc Manyifika

Country Lead for Urban Water Resilience/Lead Spatial Planner for the program

Marc Manyifika

Bora Masumbuko

Country Manager, Democratic Republic of Congo

Bora Masumbuko

Robert Mbeche

Director, Food Program, WRI Africa

Robert Mbeche.

Mulalo Mbedzi

Nature-based Solutions Associate

Mulalo Mbedzi

Christine Mboya

Communications Specialist, Restore Local, Greater Rift Valley Landscape

Christine Mboya

Mercy Mulanga

Gender and Social Equity Associate

Mercy Mulanga

Winfred Muasa

Operations Assistant, P4G Programme

Winfred Muasa.

Fabrice Mugabo

Climate Adaptation Associate, WRI Africa

Fabrice Mugabo.

Obadiah Mungai

Environmental Finance Lead, WRI Africa

Obadiah Mungai

Obadiah Kung'u Mungai

Environmental Finance Lead, WRI Africa

Obadiah Kung'u Mungai.

Thacien Munyamahame

Community Coordinator, Global Restoration Initiative, WRI Africa

Thacien Munyamahame.

Jonas Munyurangabo

Policy Analyst, Food Program, WRI Africa

Jonas Munyurangabo.

Ivy Murgor

Program Manager, Air Quality, WRI Africa Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Ivy Murgor

Bernadette Muteteri

Fund Manager, Circular Food Systems for Rwanda

Bernadette Muteteri.

Victor Muthumbi

Coordinator, Land Accelerator Africa

Victor Muthumbi.

Christopher Mutungi

Senior Research Associate, Food Loss and Waste, WRI Africa

Christopher Mutungi.

Gilbert Muvunankiko

Communications Manager, Restoration, WRI Africa

Gilbert Muvunankiko

Charity Mumbi Mwangi

Urban Nature Based Solutions Associate

Charity Mumbi

George Mwaniki

Head of Air Quality, WRI Africa; Country Representative, Kenya

George Mwaniki

Brian Masila Mwau

STAND Grants and Contracts Manager

Brian Masila Mwau

Nadia Shah Naidoo

Senior Associate, Integrated Climate Action

Nadia Shah Naidoo

Lilian Nasande

Grants and Finance Specialist

Lilian Nasande

Jackson Ndera

Portfolio Specialist for Lake Kivu and Rusizi River Basin, TerraFund for AFR100, WRI Africa

Jackson Ndera.

Simon Muriithi Ndoria

P4G Regional Investment Manager Africa

Simon Muriithe Ndoria

Peter Ndunda

Senior Associate, AFR100, Global Restoration Initiative

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Adugna Nemera

Senior Associate, Energy Access Finance, WRI Africa

Adugna Nemera

Kevin Nfor Ntani

GIS Associate, TerraMatch, Cameroon

Lawrence Ng'ang'a

AFR100 Restoration Monitoring Associate, WRI Africa

Lawrence Eric Ng'ang'a

Sandra Nise

Senior HR Officer

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Patrick James Njakani Okoko

Governance and Civil Society Support Lead

Patrick James Njakani Okoko

Caroline Njiru

Greater Rift Valley Landscape Manager, WRI Africa

Caroline Njiru.

Caroline Njoroge

Finance Manager (Maternity cover)

Caroline Njoroge

David Njugi

Program Specialist, Productive Use of Renewable Energy (PURE), WRI Africa

David Njugi.

Joelle Nkosi Boeli

Legal and Partnerships Officer, Democratic Republic of Congo

Teodyl Nkuintchua

Congo Basin Strategy and Engagement Leader

Emmanuel Nkusi

Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Specialist, Green Accountability Initiative

Emmanuel Nkusi

Peter Ntaganda

Restore Local Program Manager, Lake Kivu and Rusizi River Basin Landscape Rwanda-Burundi-DRC

Peter Ntaganda.

Jean Marie Ntakirutimana

Portfolio Specialist, TerraFund for AFR100, Global Restoration Initiative, WRI Africa

Ntakirutimana Jean-Marie.

Joan Nthiga

Engagement and Communications Specialist, WRI Africa

Joan Nthiga.